Chapter 10: Dance

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AN: Suprise I decided to switch it up and do part of this chapter in Noah's POV! I hope you like it!!

Noah's POV:

I sigh as I watch Colton limp inside. I would never tell him this but I feel really bad for him. I've known Colton since he was 10 and I was 9 so he's like an older brother to me. We met in his first foster home after his mom died in a car crash. We lived there for a couple of years and we were happy but the woman who lived there was older so she couldn't take care of us anymore. We were put back into the system but Colton wouldn't let them separate us so they moved both of us into a different house. The man who lived there was a total asshole. His name was Peter but he made us call him sir. He only took us in for the money and to be his personal slaves. He made us clean his whole house and cook all his meals but he never gave us any food so we had to steal it at night. If we stepped one toe out of line or pissed him off at all he would beat us. But I never got hit because Colton took all of it no matter how many times I told him not to. He took all the beatings, all the physiological punishments while I only got a few hits. I watched as he went from a sweet little kid to a hard cold man.

After about two years of living in that hell hole CPS showed up when Peter wasn't home and saw how beat up Colton was so they took us out of there and put us in a group home. By then I was 14 and Coton was 15. I wasn't there for very long before I got adopted by a very nice young couple who can't have kids. I still live with them now and I love them with all my heart. But Colton never got adopted; he lived in the group home until he turned 18 and aged out, that was two months ago. The only reason he didn't end up on the streets is that his mom paid off the mortgage on their small house. I got Colton a job at the tattoo shop I work at since he had always been amazing at drawing and he loves it. When he finished his first tattoo it was the first time I had seen him smile in years. 

I hear the car door open snapping me out of my trance. Shit, I forgot about Bella! I rush over and help her sleepy self out of the car. "Hey sunshine c'mon let's go inside Colton is waiting for us," I say softly. I feel like I need to speak softly around her or she'll shatter. She's like a porcelain doll with her dainty hands, big eyes, and tiny height. I reach down and scoop her up, hugging her tiny form to my chest. She giggles and wraps her arms around my neck. I smile and kiss her forehead. I know Bella is Colton's girl and I love them together, she's good for him. I don't know why but when I saw them together I just wanted to protect her, I feel little sister vibes whenever I'm around her. I carried her inside and set her down on the couch. "Where's Colton," she asks softly? "I don't know. His leg was bothering him so he's probably laying down," I replied. "Oh I know where she is," she says before she takes off running. I follow her as she sprints through the massive house. She runs downstairs before coming to a halt in front of a glass door. It opens to reveal a giant pool with a hot tub. Colton is lounging in the hot tub in his boxers. He opens his eyes when the door opens and smiles at Bella. "Hey Baby, come cuddle with me," he says holding out his arms. I snicker under my breath making him send me a fierce glare.

"Sorry Love but I'm going to go work out for a little while. Noah, you can chill in here for a bit if you want, then I can make supper." "You work out," I asked, surprised? "Well not in a gym or anything, I dance," she replies quietly. Colton's eyes widened. I smirk. "I want to watch," he says demandingly. Bella's cheeks turn firetruck red. "Well I'm just practicing but sure you guys can watch." Colton pulls himself out of the hot tub so quickly he almost slips making Bella giggle. "Slow down, you're going to hurt yourself," she giggles. He quickly dries off and puts his clothes back on despite his wet boxers before we follow Bella out the door.

Bella's POV:

I walk into my room with the boys trailing behind me. I tell them to wait while I go change. I change into a light pink leotard with frills at the bottom. I slip on my pink ballet shoes and put my hair up in a dancer bun, then I take a deep breath and walk out. Colton grins when he sees me and walks over wrapping his arms around my waist. "You look beautiful," he whispers. "Thank you," I replied, kissing him softly. "Alright guys enough, come on," Noah whines. I laugh and grab Colton's hand leading to my dance studio. "Hey Google play Human on my dance playlist," I called. Then I walk to the middle of the room and begin my routine.

AN: Watch the video at the top!!

When the song ends I'm laying on the floor with my eyes closed like I'm asleep. I open my eyes to see the boys grinning at me. I stand up and smile before I walk over and close Colton's mouth. "Better close your mouth, you'll catch flies," I said cockily. "Baby that was... amazing. I never even knew you could dance," he says, awe clear in his voice. "Thank you," I whisper, looking at my shoes. He picks up my chin with his index finger, pulling his classic move. He connects our lips in a gentle kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and run my fingers through his hair, pulling it gently. He groans into my mouth making a soft moan escape my lips. I hear the door click shut. At least Noah isn't watching us make out.

Colton deepens the kiss smiling against my lips. "Jump," he breathes out. "A-Are you sure I-I don't want to hurt you." "Bella I said jump," he growls, giving me no choice but to obey. I jump and wrap my legs around his hips. He grips my thighs, locking me in place. He walks over to the loveseat with me still anchored to him. He gently lays me down with him hovering over me. I can tell he's being really careful not to put all his weight on me. "C-Colton I'm not ready. I-I'm sorry," I mummer. He leans down and kisses my lips gently. "It's ok Baby girl, don't worry. I will never do anything that you're not ready for," he whispers. I kiss him again, cupping his face with my hand. I feel his arms start to shake, then he wraps his around me and flips us around so I'm on top. He attacks my neck with kisses, sucking and at the sensitive skin. I moan loudly as he sucks on my sweet spot, my back arching off the couch pushing myself up against him. He groaned, smashing his lips into mine with bruising force. He fists my hair pushing my lips into his. I feel my stomach tighten as waves of pleasure flow through me. "C-Colton," I say shakily. "What? What's wrong," he asked worriedly? "I f-feel weird, tingly," I whisper. 

He lets out a breathy chuckle against my neck, making the tingles intensify. "My innocent little one," he purrs out. "Have you ever been touched before? I gasp quietly, shaking my head. He lifts his head and strokes my blazing cheek with the pad of his thumb. "Awww Princess, you're so beautiful," he mutters, kissing my nose. I blush harder, wishing my hair wasn't up so it could cover my face. Colton has said that to me before, but I guess I just thought he was flirting with me. But now as we lay her in such an intimate position with him staring into my weird eyes and still saying I'm beautiful makes me think he's not just flirting anymore. "Thank you but I'm really not," I whisper.

His brows knit together in a deep frown. He grabs my chin roughly, locking our eyes. "Don't you ever say anything like that again," he growls. My eyes widen. "But I'm not," I argue. Suddenly he yanks me up forcing me to straddle his hips. I gasp and grip his shoulders for support. I look up to find Colton staring at me with angry eyes. "Look. At Me," he growls out. My eyes fly up to meet his. A shiver of fear shoots through me. Colton is the most amazing boyfriend and he treats me like a princess but when he's angry he's terrifying.

I know I never need to be scared of him cause I know he would never hurt me. But I can't help but feel a little bit afraid when I look into his hard steel-gray eyes. 

AN: Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! 

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