Chapter 9: New Friends

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Colton's POV:

When I wake up on Monday morning I groan. Cancer sucks. Bella makes it better though. She spent my whole treatment reading Inkheart to try and distract me. It kind of worked. I sit up and pull myself out of bed before stumbling towards the shower. I wasn't going to go to school today but now that I'm with Bella. I want to go just so I can see her. God, I am so clingy. I don't know what it is about her but I just want her to be in my arms all the time, so I can keep her safe.

I get out of the shower and slip on some light blue ripped skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with my black leather jacket and black timberlands. I also put on my silver rings and run my fingers through my hair before I grab my keys and head to school. When I get to school I walk down the hall till I spot Bella by her locker. I notice that she's on her phone so I grab mine out of my back pocket and send her a message.

"Morning Beautiful:) I put my number on your phone the night you were at my house, I hope that's alright. You look amazing," She smiles and looks up. "Good morning," she calls happily. I grin and pull her into my arms kissing her head. "How are you, love," I ask, brushing a perfect curl behind her ear. "I'm great," she replies. "Good," I breathe, then I connect our lips in a soft kiss. I wrap my arms around her, hugging her tighter against me. The warning bell snaps us back to reality, making Bella pull away. She quickly opens her locker and what I see makes me grin. Bella's entire locker is covered in lollipops. Poches hang from the door each stuffed with a different kind of lollipop. I unzip one and pull out a pink tootsie pop. "Why do you love these so much?" "I don't know, I've loved them since I was a kid, my dad told me it was my second word. I'm not sure if he's joking or not." I laugh and pop the sucker in my mouth. She grabs a purple one before shouldering her backpack and shuttering her locker.

"I'll take that," I say, plucking her backpack off her shoulder. "Thank you," she says sweetly, kissing the corner of my mouth. I hear gasps and glance up to see everyone in the hallway staring at us. Bella notices too. Blood rushes to her cheeks as she drops her head. I forgot how shy my baby is. I pull her into my side, making her bury her face in my chest. I glare at them. "Don't you all have a class to get to, fuck off," I growl. They all run away, scared. Being terrified of comes in handy sometimes.

"Come on Baby," I whisper in her ear. "I'm sorry, it's not that I'm embarrassed. It's just the only time people stare at me is because they're making fun of me. "Well, they're fucking idiots," I growl, anger coursing through me. "Please don't curse," she mutters. "Ok Sweetheart I won't in front of you." "What do you have first period Baby?" "English but I really want to go," she replies. "Well do you wanna walk on the wild side and skip class with me. There's someone I want you to meet." "Ok, she nods, grinning at me. "Ok grab your coat and another one of these cause they actually are really good." She giggles and grabs everything she needs before following me out the door.

We walk hand in hand to the bleachers and I gently pull her underneath them. I instantly spot Noah sitting on the old couch, a cigarette hanging lazily from his lips. "Hey dude," he says cheerfully. "Hey man," I replied, quickly doing our handshake. "Who's the babe," he asks, scanning Bella's body with hungry eyes. I pull Bella tighter against me if that's possible and growl. "She's mine and if I see you looking at her like that again I'll break your nose." He smirks as a look of realization dawns on his face. "Wait is this the girl you told me about?" I nod smiling a little. "Well, shit sorry dude you know I don't want to steal your girl." Noah is a total player but we grew up together and we're both loyal as hell. He's also the only one who's never been scared of me.

Noah turns his attention to Bella, sending her a smile. "Hey Sunshine, I'm Noah. What's your name," he asked softly, not wanting to scare her. Bella had been silently hiding her face in my chest up till this point turned and offered him a small smile. "I'm Bella, n-nice to meet you," she replies sweetly. I hear Noah gasp when he looks at her eyes, which makes Bella sigh sadly. "Your eyes are so cool," he says, with slight awe in his voice. "Oh t-thank you," she stutters, relaxing against me. I smile and kiss her cheek. "Do you wanna hang out here for a bit Baby?" She nods. "You guys are skipping," he asks, looking at Bella with wide eyes. "Yeah I've never skipped before but I'm ahead anyway so it doesn't really matter," she replied. "Oh, so you're a brainiac like Colton. Well, that's good cause I'm going to need both of you to help my stupid self graduate." "I'm sure you're not stupid Noah. "Whatever you say, baby sis. Now come sit with me," he says, holding out his hand. "She smiles and grabs his hand, letting him lead her over to the couch.

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