Chapter 19: Deserve

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Bella's POV:

My eyes open and I immediately feel Colton shaking beside me. I roll over and find him curled up in a ball. His legs are twisted in the sheets, his hands are in fists, and his eyes are scrunched shut. He looks angry and scared. I've seen Colton have nightmares before but this one seems worse than usual. Suddenly Colton shoots up and starts screaming no at the top of his lungs! He swings his fists wildly like he's trying to fend off the demons that he's seeing behind his eyelids. I make a split-second decision. I quickly straddle his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. "Shhh Colton love, your ok, you're alright. I've got you, wake up Darling," I whisper to him, rocking his tense body back and forth. His fists stop swinging but he still doesn't wake up and he won't stop screaming. "Shhhh Baby, your ok, I'm right here with you, please wake up." Finally, with one last no, his eyes spring open and he begins to look around frantically. "Colton love," I whisper? His eyes snap to mine and I can see the fear in them. 

"B-Bella," he whimpers. "I'm right here Darling, you're ok," I reassure him. He gently wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him, burying his face in my neck. I hug him back and run my fingers through his hair. I feel his tears hit my neck and kiss the side of his head. I slowly pull away and get off his lap. Then I gently pull him down so his head is on my lap. I want to tell him that everything is going to be alright but I really don't know how bad it is, so instead, I just run my fingers through his hair and comfort him silently.

 I want to tell him that everything is going to be alright but I really don't know how bad it is, so instead, I just run my fingers through his hair and comfort him silently

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"Do you love me?"

"Of course I do."


"Because you're sweet and kind. Because you love to read and sing duets with me. I love you because you're not afraid to cry and show your feelings. And I love you most of all because you're an amazing guy who makes me like the only girl in the world. It also helps that you're the hottest guy I've ever seen."

"Come here," he whispers.

I lean down and he connects our lips in a soft kiss. I can feel all the love in it making me smile. "I love you so much for all the reasons you just listed and so many more," he says softly. My heart melts at his sweet words. "Colt, why did you ask me that?" "Do you remember when I told you my story?" "Of course." "Well, I didn't tell you everything partly because I didn't want to freak you out but also because I wasn't ready. I mean I haven't said I love you to anyone since I was 10. But then you sang that song and you've seen me freak out and cry so many times but you're still here. So now I want to tell you everything and I hope you'll understand." I just stroke his hair and wait for him to continue. 

He sighs. "Everything I told you was true. Except I never told you how we got out of there. Noah knows what really happened but he doesn't mention it because he knows it's hard for me. Anyway, one night Peter came home hammered again but something seemed off about him that night. He looked crazed, I'm pretty sure he was high, like on hard drugs or something. Anyway, I was sitting at the table doing my homework and I guess I was just the first person he saw. He told me everything was my fault and to take off my shirt and get against the wall. This happened all the time so I just did what I was told. He whipped me with his belt about 10 times. Then he grabbed my shoulder, turned me around, and pressed a knife to my throat."

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