Chapter 59

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The Saturday of the BBQ is a glorious day. The sun is bright in the sky, and there isn't a cloud to be seen for miles. I dress in a light, summer dress and pop a light cardigan on top. I pair my dress with a pair of wedges.

Jenny and John's parents live in the old manse in the centre of the town. It's a grand old building which over the years they have lovingly restored. There are mature gardens surrounding the property and small orchard at the bottom.

I arrive with my parents, helping them carry a contribution to the BBQ. I'm juggling a bowl of potato salad and Asian slaw and I'm dangerously close to losing the slaw. As we round the corner into the back garden patio my foot catching on the side of a flagstone and I lunge forward, shouting 'fuck' far too loudly and scrambling to stop myself from falling but also to protect the bowls. John, who is standing next to his Dad at the BBQ moves quickly to grab the top bowl in one hand and my arm with the other.

"Some entrance Breezy" he whispers in my ear and I cringe. Everyone who had turned to see my car crash arrival returns to their conversations. Everyone except Jenny who looks at me curiously, eyebrows raised from a lounge chairs that her and Luke  occupy on the lawn. She leans forward and says something to Luke and he turns and faces me and John. I gather myself and try to shake of John who still have a hold of my arm. He looks down the space his hand just left and almost looks sad. He does seem to be moping about as Jenny says.

"Silly me. Anyway, where should I put this? Where your mum?"

"Inside" he motions to the kitchen and I head inside. Rosie Jones is inside gathering plates and crockery together, she grins broadly when she sees me.

"Evie, sweetheart, so nice to see you" she brings me in for a bear hug before pulling back and holding onto my arms. "How's things? Hows uni?" She studies my face.

"Good thank you. I'm a few weeks away from handing in my dissertation so it's all hands on deck really. Mum made potato salad and Asian slaw." I indicate to the bowls I've just placed on the counter top. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Yes actually. Can you go and get that son of mine? He's probably moping around by the drinks table. I need his height."

I find John in the orchard at the bottom of the garden, he's wandering around checking the trees for ripe apples and sipping on a bottle of beer. He doesn't see me coming and when I say his name he gets a fright.

"Jesus fucking christ Evie. You scared the life out of me. Fuck" he clutches his chest "I'm too young to have a heart attack."

His reaction makes me laugh and I can't help it. I can't stop as he scowls at me. Slowly his scowl eases and a broad smile erupts across his face.

"Oh you think that's funny do you?" He reaches forward and pokes me in the side a couple of times. I bat his hand away.

"Yes" I say in between gasps of breath. "Your face was hilarious."

I catch my breath and lean forward to steal his bottle of beer for a drink. He lifts his sunglasses from his eyes, resting them on his head, and raises his eyebrows at me and my action.

"Your mum wants you in the kitchen." I hand him back his bottle and he covers my hand slightly as he hold it, before he takes a swig. He stares at me for a fraction of a second. I wonder if he's goading me into another drink. Eventually he speaks.

"Better see what mother dearest wants." I watch him as he slowly head back into the house. He doesn't look back at all at me.  I trail behind him, admiring some of the flowers in the garden.

I grab a drink before joining Jenny and Luke on the lounge chairs. The garden begins to fill with guests and Jenny and Luke excuses themselves to welcome guests. There seem to be a lot of people from Jenny's work and even some of Luke's family. Andrew arrives with his Dad and Mhairi. After some hellos to Jenny and the family he makes his way over to me, leaning down to kiss me on the cheek as he arrives.

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