Chapter 41

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"Are you ok?" I look up and see a very blurry guy in an all black outfit. I can't make out his face. We're away from the light of the hall and I'm just too drunk to focus.

"Hmmm" I mumble. "Too many shots. Dancing made me dizzy. I'll be ok in a minute." I feel the persons hand rubbing my back. I shift slightly along the wall and they shift too.

"I should be upset you didn't dance with me" the voice says. John I wonder? John said I had to save him a dance.

"Johnny?" I question the person.

"No, it's Gregor, Evie. Shall I go get you a water?" Gregor stands up, as he steps into the light I realise his scream mask is off.

I nod and he leaves, returning a minute later with a bottle of water. I take a big gulp. The combination of the water and fresh air is helping return my temperature to normal and I feel slightly less dizzy.

"Why did you not want to dance with me?" Gregor asks me sadly.

I squint up at him. Trying to focus on his face so I don't see two of him.

"Gregor, I'm sure you're very lovely, but I've not long lost my husband. I'm not looking for anything from anyone."

"You seem pretty friendly with Andrew Alexander though?" His voice is changed in tone. It sounds a little more forceful and aggressive now.

"We're old friends. And to be honest I don't need to justify myself to you." I stand up and sway, stumbling back slightly. He stands up and reaches out to grab me and stops me from falling.

"Maybe you should just give me a chance though? Come on? One date? One dance even?" He's still holding onto my arms and I struggle against his grip.

"No, thank you Gregor. I'm not interested. I'm going to go back into the party now." I try to pull away.

"Come on Evie." He leans down and tries to kiss me. I move face away so that he misses my mouth and catches my cheek.

"Could you let go of me Gregor please?" I try to remain calm but he doesn't loosen his grip.

"Let. Go. Of. Me. NOW!" My raised voice attracts attention from the smokers outside the hall.

Gregor let's go of one of my arms and shouts over to the group. "It's ok. She's just had too much to drink."

He's still got a grip of my other arm and I flail around trying to loosen his grip and yank it away.

"What are you doing Gregor?" Andrew walks towards us. "I think you should let her go mate."

Andrew reaches us and prises Gregors hands off me.

Gregor holds his hands up, as if to say he was innocent. "Hey, I was just trying to be nice. She's had too much to drink. She didn't need to be a fucking bitch about it."

"NICE?" I shout "YOU DON'T FUCKING TRY AND KISS A WOMAN WHEN SHE IS ASKING YOU TO LEAVE HER ALONE." Andrew is trying to hold me back and I am screaming around his shoulder at Gregor.

Andrew holds me back but turns to Gregor. "Did you try and kiss her? That's bang out of order mate. You owe her an apology in the first instance."

"She fucking doesn't know what she's on about. She was trying to kiss me" the shy Gregor from earlier has been replaced by an arrogant lying bastard.

Before Andrew or I can respond John arrives at Gregor side and lands a solid punch to the nose. Gregor falls back onto the grass behind clutching his bleeding nose.

"What the fuck you doing John? You've fucking broken my nose."

John leans down and grabs him by the scruff of the neck. "You're lucky thats all I've fucking broken. If you ever touch her again I will fucking kill you. You never touch a woman when she's telling you no." He lets go of Gregors top and Gregor slumps back onto the ground before picking himself up.

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