Chapter 55

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I let Jenny know that John has hurt his back so that someone else is aware of his situation. She tells me she will check up on him later and I spend the rest of my day tackling my essay.

It isn't until approximately 7pm when I break for dinner. The break and run helped me focus and I was deep into work that I hadn't noticed the time. As I am quickly grabbing some dinner my phone starts to ring. It's Jenny.

"Evie, don't suppose you're free to help me at the pub?" There a lot of noise in the background and she sounded stressed.

"Yeah, of course. But what's going on Jenny."

"It's John." She mumbles something off the phone, something along the lines of 'Stop it John, no more' before continuing on the line with me "Sorry Evie can you just get here as soon as possible?"

I agree and quickly shove some shoes and a jacket on before walking the short distance to the pub.

The pub is pretty quiet so I spot John and Jenny straight away. They're sitting at the bar. Sitting, being the operative word in John's case as he looks more slumped.

"Thank god you're here. I need you help me get him up the road" jenny sighs as she sees me, standing up from her stool and lifting his arm over her shoulder.

"What the hell is he doing here? I left him in bed! He should be resting. And he shouldn't be drinking on those pain killers."

"God knows. Apparently he had already agreed to meet his mate Sam for a drink and for some godforsaken reason he didn't think to cancel. He's absolutely out of it. Jibbering nonsense. And he's such a deadweight I can't move him by myself. Sorry, Mum and Dad are out and I didn't know who else to call."

We heave John out of the pub. It's not until we're outside and half way up the road that John seems to realise I am there too.

"Evie! It's you. Evie, Evie, Evie. My savour. And you're saving me again. You were like an Angel earlier today and here you are again. Or am I in heaven?" He looks round, as if to find more signs of heaven.

I catch Jenny's eye and she rolls her eyes before bursting out laughing. "See" she says "talking absolute shite. He's totally high."

Jenny starts to take advantage of his vulnerable state

"John John, remember when we were younger and the car was nicked and it was found in a field outside of town? That was you wasn't it?"

John's starts giggling "Yes. But shhhhh don't tell Mum."

"And do you remember the time you couldn't make it home for Auntie Linda's fiftieth because you had to work but came home the week after for my graduation and had a tan?"

John pretends to act shocked. "No, no Jenny, I did not go on holiday instead of coming home for an important family event. How could you think so little of me."

Jenny and I can't help but laugh at him. By the time we get to his flat and get the door open I am almost peeing my pants in laughter at him.

We get him back in his bed and Jenny pulls his shoes off. I run to the toilet before I have an accident and return to her pulling his jumper off.

"I need my trousers off. I can't get them off all my legs. I'm like an octopus. Why am I an octopus Jen?"

"Oh hell no, I'm not taking his trousers off. You'll have to do that Evie." Jenny shakes her head.

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