Chapter 54

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The busyness of day to day life is reinstated following our return from London. Andrew is, if  temporary, no longer the famous author and has to get stuck into preparations for calving season. University life continues to gain momentum for me and I have to pull back on a couple of shifts at The Raven due to my workload and additional seminars and work groups. Anna and I have been meeting regularly to just work together. It is helpful to debate and bounce ideas off each other.

February quickly turned to March and then April. After his days on the farm, Andrew had gotten into the habit of coming down to my flat for dinner or after dinner for a cup of tea. We had ourselves in a nice routine and were enjoying each others company. Andrew remained patient with me but I still was not ready to commit any futher to a relationship with him, physical or metaphorical. I began to worry that I was potentially stringing him along. I earmarked this for a long overdue catch up with Jenny.

One midweek morning in mid April I was out for a run. It was incredible weather for April and the sun was already beating down on, flooding my livingroom with light . I was battling with an essay and I needed a break, space to gather my thoughts and allow me to come back with fresh eyes.

I decided to run the coastal path to Ruby Bay. I am delighted to find it empty. As it was outwith the Easter holidays, local families were not usually to be found on the bay at this time of year, during the day, midweek.  I immediately took my shoes and socks off for a paddle. It was at low tide so I slowly made my way to the water, taking in the sounds of the beach, the water, the birds. The water was cool and calm. I closed my eyes , raising my head to the skies, enjoying the feeling of the sun beating off my cheeks.

The calmness and peace of the abandoned beach was quickly disrupted by splashing nearby. Turning my head to investigate the cause of the disturbance I was accosted by a soaking wet Elton who bounds over, excitedly circling my legs and wacking his wagging tail off them.  He drops the ball he is carrying, edging back ready to run after it, hoping I will engage in a game of catch with him.

I grab the ball that sits at my feet, bobbing in the water. Throwing the ball for him, I quickly glance around the beach to check for John who doesn't appear to be around. After a few throws John has still not appeared on the beach.

"Where's John, Elton?" Elton looks at me curiously, cocking his head. "Where is he pal?" Elton bounds off, up the beach leaving me behind with the ball. I follow him out of the water, grabbing my shoes and socks as I pass. He disappears into the grass near the car park. I call for him and I am met with barking in response.

In the car park I can see John's car parked up but still no sign of John or Elton. Calling for Elton again, he returns a bark which is much closer by this time and then he runs out from the far side of the car. I start to run to the car, extremely worried at this point, only to be met with a more worrying sight of John laying flat on the ground, on the grass to the side of his car. He is not moving and his eyes are closed

I run up to him, and thankfully his eyes open as I reach him. "Jesus, John. What happened? Are you ok?"

He grimaces slightly "I have tweaked my back. I must have twisted funny when I put the surfboard back on the roof rack."

"What can I do to help? Has this happened before." He starts nodding but stops as this seems to cause more pain.

"Yeah, I did it a couple of years ago and I got some extra strong painkillers from the Doctors for it. I think I still have some at home actually. It's a lot to ask but can you help get me home? I will be fine once I get some pain relief and a cold compress on it."

I tie up the surfboard onto the roof and get Elton in the boot before attempting to get John up and in the car. I recline the passenger seat shift it back as far as it will go. John is still dressed in his wetsuit so I and pop a towel down for him to sit on.

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