Chapter Thirteen

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“Chon, I am very disappointed.” Chon felt belittled and offended at his visitor’s assessment. He’d never failed an assignment before.

“The message received from your Don was very clear. He is coming.”

“What message was that?”

“FACEOFF!” Chon shouted. “The son of bitch is coming as a duel of sorts and there is no telling when that will be. It wasn’t supposed to come to this. You told me it would an easy hit. Everyone was in place, how was this plan botched? Unless you double-crossed me.”

“Double-cross you? How would that benefit me? I hired you, remember that. There seems to be someone in the way that I know nothing about. According to my personal spy, there is a woman in his proximity. Somehow she managed to intervene.”

“Don Mucciono never runs with women openly. This is a drastic change. Who is she?”

“Some black woman from the states is all I know at this point. There is a meeting called by the king himself at the end of the week. I will make it a point to introduce myself to the distraction.” Chon sat on the phone silently regarded the man for a few minutes, wondering just why he wanted to kill Don Mucciono so very badly. There seemed to be an underlining hate for the man that ran deep as the Pacific.

“Your enemy is my enemy now. What is next?”

“He won’t make a move right now. A bug has been planted that we are under surveillance. He has even resulted to traveling by armored car. The plans are ceased at the moment.”

“Ceased? Meaning I am left to my own defenses.”

“For now.”

“This unfinished business does not sit well with me.” Chon stated solemnly.

“Is there a threat in there somewhere?”

“Take my words however you feel. Know this, I won’t miss twice.”

“I will be in touch.”

“You do that.” Chon hung up feeling he’d accomplished pumping a sense of urgency into the despicable man. He would not be ignored. Don Mucciono needed to be taken out before he took them all down. In the beginning they never had any issues with one another. Always cordial when they did meet but an unwise decision to gain more ground to move merchandise into parts of Italy appealed to him. A great deal of business transactions would increase his revenue substantially. The Mucciono organization owned the pipe line. The ports and docks, all belonged to them. They controlled what was allowed in and out by taking the set percentage. Eliminating the Don would open the doors for so many other bosses not just him. It seems he may have been overzealous in believing he could pull this off. There had to be another way. Even if he had to kill to stay alive there was no way he was going down without a fight.


It had been a few days since his uncle had visited. He’d stayed clear up until the meeting took place about everyone relinquishing their rights of their books for review. Most had no problem turning them over while other’s requested a bit more time. Those were the ones that were hesitant at best to describe. His cousin Ernesto, who held the title of underboss being that it was passed down from his father. Carmine had groomed his son the best he could before retiring.

Being that Antonio had already taken over the boss slot it was only fair that Carmine stepped aside as well. Although he took his sweet time doing so. He claimed that Ernesto was too busy chasing skirts and partying to take a job such as underboss seriously. Antonio and Ernesto were not the most compatible when it came to personalities. Even though they were first cousins they still never saw eye to eye no matter how many times Ernesto forced his presence upon Antonio.

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