15. The Consequence of Laughing

Start from the beginning

The limo swerved just then and there was the blare of horns and screeching of tires from outside. A glance out of the back window confirmed that one of the pursuing Cadillacs had screeched to a stop behind a line of cars while we sped away, apparently into oncoming traffic. The limo swerved back onto the correct side after a second. The other one roared after us.

"Well that got rid of one car!" I grinned, glad that something was going well. "I think I'm going to miss them--"

WHAM! Something heavy landed on the roof of the car, and we all looked up. A musclebound, dreadlocked vampire in black leather snarled at us from the other side of the moonroof.

"I take it back! I take it back!" I yelled.

"What the fuck?" Meredith squeaked, her nails digging into my biceps.

The limo thrummed with power as the engine roared, what I assumed was the chauffeur's response to the new threat on the roof. Said threat looked a little unsure of his life choices as he clung on to the limo. Apparently there were no handholds up there.

"Maybe he's friendly," Sammy dead-panned. "We should let him in."

"Yes! Let's do that!" I snapped. "Maybe he wants to give us a hug!"

Sammy geared up to respond, but we never got to hear it. It might have been impressive, witty and full of invective, a full virtuoso of humor and swearing, but that was the moment that the limo fishtailed around a corner and Sammy lurched from her seat, losing her grip. Sammy's fall might also have ended badly, in a face-smashing way... but King, ever the smooth motherfucker, reached out to catch her around the waist in an insultingly casual manner. Sammy ended up in his lap, staring into his blue vampire eyes.

"Easy there, sugar tits," King murmured with a smile. "Wouldn't want you hurting that pretty little head of yours."

Something seemed to pass between the two of them in that shared moment.  The chorus from a song by Sixpence None the Richer suddenly played in my head, the staple of all 90's era rom-coms, urging them to kiss.


"Normally I'd punch your lights out, but I'll give you a pass this once," Sammy blushed, confirming my suspicion that she was heavily crushing on King. From the way he was looking at her, the feelings were reciprocal.

Meanwhile, back in the world where people weren't staring into each other's eyes in the middle of a fucking crisis, Ibrahaim took advange of my distraction and, surged forward in by mind. It was so sudden and forceful that I was completely taken by surprise when my body whipped around and I was face to face with our would-be attacker on the roof.

"Let go," Ibrahaim snarled, using my voice. I could feel him glammering Dreadlocks, actually felt the connection, and then just like that, Dreadlocks vanished from sight with a strangely satisfying sound of scraping and sliding on the roof. A second later, I caught sight of our new friend tumbling end over end and rolling over in the traffic, cars desperately trying to swerve and brake to avoid hitting him.

"Bye, friend," Meredith waved.

Ibrahaim receded almost instantly and I was back in charge again, patting my chest and then my face in disbelief. To be completely honest, I was also terrifed how easy it had been for Ibrahaim just to take over like that. It was like he had been playing with me and could take over anytime he wanted.

Fucking hell...

Completely oblivious to what had just happened, King was busy acting out the recreation of a 90's com-com with Sammy still in his arms.

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