Chapter Twenty-Eight: Taking A Break

Start from the beginning



The Unit had moved to a hotel  downtown after abandoning the Huntington safehouse.  Despite their comprehensive surveillance Lyle had managed to enter the property unobserved and arrange the grim scenario for Jay to discover.  The Penthouse Suite slept four but the whole Unit, in addition to Burke, had decided to use it.  It transpired that no one wanted to leave Jay out of their sight.  Wisely however they had not voiced such concerns to the injured Detective and instead Voight had said Murphy would only sanction the Penthouse Suite as he was still under pressure from Wagner about budget requirements.  Perhaps because it was such a mundane excuse Jay had not questioned the decision.  Of course the lack of suspicion could also have been attributed to the fact that he was totally exhausted.  It was Parker who had approached him, warily, with a solution
when he visited the hotel the following evening.  Finding himself alone with  the young Detective in the spacious living area as crackling logs burned in the large woodstove the Psychologist decided he might as well make a suggestion although it was likely to be rebuffed.

"You're still not sleeping."
"Guess when my body needs to I will," Jay stated with a shrug as he watched the golden dancing flames, although he craved some rest he knew he could function without it.
"How about trying some sleeping tablets?"
"Thanks Doc but I'm good."
"You're amazing," Parker shook his head in disbelief, "I'm beginning to think the ME could be doing a post mortem on you and you'd be insisting "'I'm good'!"
"So what did you want to talk about Doc?" Jay decided to cut to the chase, the other man had not been expected.
"Actually I wanted more insight into Lyle."
"You know as much as I do."
"True," Parker acknowledged readily, "but you have a better handle on him."
"I wouldn't say that .......,"
"I would."
"Don't know what I can tell you."
"You're certain Lyle is ready to end things, why?"
"His brother's gone," Jay frowned, they had already discussed this.
"Is that it?  That's the only reason you figure he's going to stop."
"Never said he was going to stop," Jay shifted uncomfortably, "I said he was ready to end things."
"Isn't that the same as stopping," the Psychologist frowned, clearly he was missing something.
"I'm no mind reader Doc.  I just think he's going to let things end."
"You've lost me."
"I figure he's looking for someone to stop him," Jay stated after a brief hesitation, "he's going to end things by ..... letting me stop him."
"But that means if a meet goes ahead you'd be willing to risk people at JFK?" Parker allowed his shock to show, it went against everything he had learnt about the young man before him.
"No! I'd never do that."
"Okay so tell me what I'm missing."
"On one condition," Jay cautioned before giving a caveat, "for now it stays between us."


HS Headquarters

The following morning found the Psychologist updating the Assistant Director in the latters' office.  It had after all been the older mans' suggestion that he visit Jay to ascertain if he was in fact well enough to meet with Lyle King.  Parker had related a substantial portion of his conversation with the perceptive Detective but, as promised, had not divulged his full plan.  He wasn't sure in any event that Murphy or Voight would sign off on it.  He knew if the decision was his he certainly wouldn't.

"You've been in a world of your own," Murphy complained, "did you hear my question?"
"Do you think Halstead is fit for duty?"
"I'm not his Doctor but I'm quite sure when Jay sets his mind on doing something he does it."
"So is that a yes?" Murphy pushed, he was going to need all the ammo he could amass to convince the gruff Sergeant from Chicago that a meeting between Halstead and the remaining King was their only option at this stage.
"In a perfect world he'd be back home recovering," Parker sighed heavily.
"This is far from a perfect world.  So?"
"He'll get the job done."
"Not exactly the helpful recommendation I was hoping for," Murphy concluded ruefully, "but it's better than nothing."

Parker nodded, relieved the conversation was at an end.  He felt bad about not sharing Jays' intentions but he could not and would not break his word to the young man.


Van Cortlandt Park

Although New Yorks' most famous park was Central Park there were more than 1,700 parks spread across the five boroughs and Van Cortlandt was one such area.  Expanding across 1,146 acres in northwest Bronx it held within a forest dating back 17,000 years.  With its' peaceful setting it was an ideal location for Antonio and Adam to retreat to with Jay as a break from HS Headquarters and their latest temporary residence.  After the MEs' confirmation that Philip King had in fact been terminally ill due to an inoperable brain tumour Jay had become more resolute than ever that his suggestion was the only way to proceed.  Unfortunately Voight had made it clear that he would not approve of the plan in question.  The dynamic between the two men who respected each other ensured that neither would back down easily, especially when each thought they were championing the right thing to do.  It was Al who had taken Antonio and Adam aside and suggested they get Jay away from the Sergeant for some breathing space.  The experienced Detective could tell his young friend was finding it hard to maintain his composure and wanted to avoid any ill advised words being aired.  The very fact that Al was concerned about Jays' composure indicated the level of stress the injured man was under.  Of course Al knew it was an accumulation of the past several months that had gradually stripped away Jays' ability to remain detached no matter what.  People often mistook detachment for a lack of empathy but Al knew better.  In many cases detachment was simply a tool to be used.  As a Sniper Jay and himself had become experts in the use of said tool but he knew the other man had a great capacity for empathy.  He too cared but not as deeply as Jay.  All of this meant the young Detective had a lot on his plate.

Walking along the ancient forests' John Muir Trail Antonio and Adam kept Jay between them, an instinctive move even though they had taken every precaution to ensure they would not be followed.  For his part Jay was glad for the change in scenery, even if he could not embrace its' reviving ambience in solitide.  He had been surprised when Antonio and Adam had approached him about the trip to the park but he had observed Al talking to the pair earlier and was no fool.  Appreciating his older friends' attempt to alleviate the tension Jay had agreed to the outing after sending Al a barely perceptible nod of gratitude.  Eyeing the tall red oak trees flanking their path on either side he marvelled at natures' resilience, wishing he could harness that trait to get him through what was coming down the line ......


Caveat ...... Warning

Authors' Note

I provide meanings for a word etc. every now and then because a number of readers have English as a second language so I want to be sure they are not excluded as some words have no literal translation in English or in this case may be in another language, in this instance caveat is Latin 💚.

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