Chapter 1

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I do not own anything, just the OCs that may appear in the story.

[P.O.V. Takehaya Shizuka]




"Ugh..." I groaned as I started to get up from bed, not before stretching myself.

My name is Takehaya Shizuka, as much as it is unbelievable as also crazy(plus cliche), I am someone who can be said to have reincarnated into both a new world and a new body.

I used to be your everyday guy, one which liked anime and stuff, but just one day my life was just over like that and I don't even remember the reason.

In fact, I have only vague memories of my previous life. It is like some parts were deleted to make up a short video or something like that.

And so, the next thing that I know, is that I was reincarnted... but in the body of a girl. And an orphan to make my situation shitty. Plus, I am not even hot! I yes, I am pretty cute, but I wasn't really developed.

If I have to give myself a general describtion of my appearance, I said that I had the same exact appearance as Elaina from Wandering Witch. With the ashen hair and everything else.

In this life I never knew who my parents were, which means that I was abandoned ever since I was born, thus I lived most of my childhood on a orphanage in Tokyo. By my features, I wasn't even Japanese.

Even so I manage to scape the orphanage once I was old enough and I started to live in this town.

It wasn't easy, but I managed to get an stable life and a temporal home with...

"Shizu-chan~ You better ge- Oh... you were already awake." The occupant of the house, an... muscular adult man who is a fanatic of the Mahou Shoujo genre, plus he also desires to become one, this is Mil-tan, yes... he insisted on being called that.

Despite his... taste, he's a decent and honest and a good guy enough to let me live on his apartment at least until I get my own home.

"Good morning, Mil-tan." I greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning to you too, Shizu-chan☆" He returned the greet with just the way the how an idol would greet one of her fans, it would have been cute... if the one who was doing it wasn't a gorilla of a man with an ill-fitting outfit. "Anyway! You better get up or you'll miss the usual hour you go to school!"

We only known each other for a half-month, yet he acts like... Ugh... My elder sister. Yet I am still grateful to him for opening his home to me when I didn't have anywhere else to go.

Anyway. I changed into my school uniform, which I swear they make the skirts a little too short on purpose, but that is why I wear spats under my skirt.

After I finished changing and collected my school bag, I went to the kitchen.

"Here's your dinner!" Mil-tan says as he handed me over the bento. Which I had to comment that if it weren't for the way he dresses he could be a good husband as he cooks pretty well, he even gave me some tips.

"Thank you and see you later." I said back as I started to go to my school.

Kuoh Academy.

[At the gates of Kuoh Academy]

Kuoh Academy...

At first, I didn't know much about the town as I just walked randomsly on the way which made me end up in this town.

If Kuoh existed in here... It meant that I was in the world of High School DxD.

I really never suspected that I could have ending up in this kind of world.

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