You opened your mouth to defend yourself but it hanged open. From the window, you sighted Naoto. You swore he lazily glanced at your direction and saw you. Panicking, you quickly stood up, "ineedtousethebathroom!" you ignored everyone who called your name. You didn't want Naoto to see you. Not with the Toman. Within seconds, you sat on the toilet with your pants on, locking your stall. Your phone rang and you answered immediately, knowing it was Kisaki.


"I don't want to do this anymore."


You took a deep breath. "All this Toman and Valhalla thing. I don't want to be a part of it anymore. I'll give myself up to the police."

"Honey. You are aware you've killed people. The cops won't go all soft on you because you worked with them before." His voice was gentle. You had gotten used to him calling you honey. The door to the bathroom opened and you just assumed it was a woman that walked in. "We can talk about this, Kira. Set up a date and location. You'll feel better. I promise."

"Sometimes I don't understand how calm you are about everything." The small chuckle he let out made you feel funny inside. You smiled and said goodbye to him. Funny enough, talking to Kisaki made you feel better. You told him everything, except the things that go on between you and Draken. Sometimes he called you just to know how you were doing right in the den of lions.

You opened the door to your stall and came in contact with something that almost made you fall. "Are you blin-" In that instant, you wished you could swallow what came out of your mouth. Mini paralysis caught you as you met with his eyes.

"Mind telling me who you were talking to?"


Were you screwed? Yes. Was the world against you and wanted you to pay for your sins? Absolutely. You had zero idea Draken would be at the Café. No one told you he was coming or better yet, show up in the female bathroom. What happened to him needing privacy with Emma? Did he listened to your whole conversation with Kisaki? Probably not, because he would've exposed you right in front of the others and you wouldn't be sitting in his car right now.

He didn't  utter a single word since he  dragged you all the way to his car. You took notice of the way he drove. So fast with his palms clenched tightly around the steering wheel. No music played. No mosquitoes flew around to cause a single distraction. Inside his car was a graveyard. "Draken."

"If you aren't ready to tell me who the fuck you were talking to, don't open that stupid mouth." He took a turn staring right ahead. You stared at him with wide eyes, not accepting the way he answered you.

"Well I'm sorry. Can't I talk to someone without you having a problem with it?"

"Well you can't. You are my responsibility due to the fact that Mikey assigned you to work for me. The jerk you were talking to must've found out that you work with Toman and wants intel."

Even though all he said was true, you chuckled only so he could know how insane he sounded. "First. He's not a jerk. He's a lot more better than you. You also have no control over me. For the fact you dragged me into Toman against my will doesn't mean you can dragged me along with whatever this is." After a minute of silence, you spoke again. "Stop the car."

"Excuse me." Draken finally turned his head to look at you, with a face of disbelief. You knew you were looking for trouble, especially if it was with this man. He wasn't with his gun which made him less threatening.

"I said stop the car, Draken." You repeated. "I will not tolerate you or this shitty behaviour right now. I don't have time for it. So let me out."

"Girl, you don't have any idea about what you're getting yourself into." His deep chuckle made you stiff.

"I will scream, Draken."

"I'm not stopping you, Kira."

You bit your inner cheek in annoyance before reaching for the wheels. You starred it in different directions, making both you and Draken panic. The car came to a sudden stop and you didn't hesitate to reach for the door. Few heads turned to where Draken's car had stopped, but you didn't care. You just wanted to go home. Wakasa's home. Luckily, the police wasn't patrolling the area. You walked as fast as you could, not having any clue about where you stood. As long as you could get away from him, you were safe. It was way too early for you to get exposed.

"Akira!" You ignored Draken's call. "You don't want me dealing with you right now, Kira! Get back in the car!"

You ignored and kept walking forward. You were being stubborn; you knew it and he knew it as well. Just when you thought you made it, a hard object came in contact with the back of your head. This made your head fuzzy and you were grateful you hadn't blacked out just yet. Draken lifted you up in his shoulders and walked back all the way to his car. He opened the boot of his car and tossed you in like you were a ragged doll. You silently watched as he pulled out a rope and tied both your arms and legs.

"You've crossed the line, Kira."


A faint clicking sound filtered into your consciousness as you attempted to work out what the hell was going on; you could remember your time in the car boot, but before that was too fuzzy. Draken had hit your head with his gun. You seemed to remember yourself being dragged out from the café after hanging out with everyone but even that was a vague, distant memory that you couldn't quite bring into focus. Trying to prevent yourself from panicking again, you kept your eyes closed as you tested your arms and legs. You weren't bound from what you could remember. Feeling a bit better about your situation, and taking a deep breath, you opened your eyes.

Draken sat in a chair far from his bed, clicking a pen with one leg crossed over the other and a self-satisfied smile on his face as he watched you wake up and face him. You were more terrified by his casualness than  anything else up to this point. What kind of man could hit a woman on the head, tie her up, and leave her in his car boot while remaining completely calm and relaxed, as if it were just another normal day? You sat up, scooted backwards until you reached the bed's headboard, and wrapped your arms around yourself. Your heart raced and your eyes widened as he calmly stared at you and placed his pen on the end table next to his chair.

"Sleepy head," Draken murmured, his small smile widening. "Did you enjoy your sleep?" Your spine tingled as you remained silent. Draken stood up abruptly. As he stood at the end of the bed, his tall, muscular frame was extremely intimidating. Why was he doing this to you?

You should totally watch out for a new book.

𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐀 𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍 -                                        Ken RyugujiWhere stories live. Discover now