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Pikachu: Ow!

Pikachu Translator: Sorry babe, you did deserve that

Baby Shark: I gotta agree with Sero

Balloon: Um what's going?

✨Baggett✨: Drama✨✨✨

Zoom: You alright Kaminari?

Mom: Are you hurt?

Pikachu: Yes! Mina smacked me with her purse!

Boom: It's just a purse. Quit whining.

Pikachu: She had coins in there!

Hot Topic: What did you do?

Pikachu: Why would you assume I'm the one at fault!

Ninja: You always are

Pikachu: Rude.

Pikachu Translator: He asked Mina why she was carrying a purse instead of putting her phone and money in her pocket.

Draco: Ah, dummy

Expresso: RIP

Baby Shark: She then showed him her pocket and how they were basically non existing.

Boom: Then the defect started showing off his pockets

Kermit: RIP

Mama Mina: Then I smacked him!

Hot Topic: Good job

Pikachu: She just said she smacked me! That isn't good!

Chick-fil-A: You deserved it

Pikachu: So you all think what she did was justified?

Best Boi:👍

Cocain: Most definitely

✨Baggett✨: ✨✨✨Be thankful you're alive✨✨✨


Pikachu Translator: Sorry babe, you're on your own.

Kermit: Your sin was too great


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