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Alian Queen: Is it done?

Emo Music: Yup

Alian Queen: You have it?

Emo Music: Yup

Alian Queen: Where is he?

Flex Tape: On the floor of the roof

Alian Queen: Yes, we may start now!

Vroom: Start what?

Flex Tape: Not sure, she just asked me to tape M*neta down away from everyone

Emo Music: She asked me to take his phone.

Vroom: It is not alright to take classmate's property!

Alian Queen: I wanted us to talk about something without him knowing

Mom: What is it?

Alian Queen: Expeling M*neta

Boom: F*cking finally

Vroom: Bakugo!

Boom: Don't worry, I put the dot thing

Vroom: You still shouldn't curse

Broken Bones: I think this is the best we can get of him.

Broken Bones: Back to the plan.

Alian Queen: If you think M*neta deserves to be a hero speak now.

Ribbit: I think we can agree no one thinks he deserves to be a hero.

Pikachu: Yeah, at first I thought he was cool, but not anymore.

Balloon: I never thought he was cool

Alian Queen: Okay! So now that we're on the same page, we can't let him know about this. We need to collect evidence that will get him expelled!

Pikachu: Like frame him?

Alian Queen: No, gather evidence that's already here. I need everyone to give me something M*neta has done that doesn't make you feel safe or isn't heroic. Please have it be something that is new each time. But multiple of the same thing still is great evidence.

Vroom: At training camp, he went to climb the wall to take a peak at the girls. He broke a rule that was meant for the safety of our fellow classmates, and didn't help anyone. Aside from that, doing something like that is inappropriate, and something no good person would do.

Ribbit: He has on multiple occasions touched me inappropriately even though I tell him to stop.

Cocain: When he went to go look through the hole in the wall to peak at the girls. It wasn't cool at all.

Best boi: I have found some inappropriate books in his room, I throw them away, but he keeps getting more, and he's not supposed to have them.

✨Baggett✨: He has been bullying me calling me the f slur, because I don't hide my sexuality at all. Not my fault my gay is just so sparkly✨

Flex tape: I have had to wrap him up in my tape multiple times to stop him from harassing the girls, tho I'm not always able to stop him, unfortunately.

Alian Queen: He has on multiple occasions tried to touch me inappropriately and make comments on my body which I'm not comfortable with.

Pikachu: He has been trying to get me to do some of that stuff with him. I don't do it, but I know hs been trying to get pictures of the girls. I do try to stop him when he does this.

Balloon: He's also made some very uncomfortable comments on my body and he knows the girl's sizes for bras and underwear and has been comparing our bodies.

Monkey: He has thrown rocks at a gay couple walking in the street. I was able to stop them from getting hurt and move him away. I didn't want to say anything because I was afraid of the back lash it would have on our class.

: Sometimes I would find that I am missing some of my stuff, underwear wise, usually Kaminari brings them back to me from M*neta's room.

Octopus:I sometimes find him trying to grab the girls legs by hiding under tables. I tell him to stop, but he keeps doing it.

Mom: Along with what the girls have said he trys to come up to me with inappropriate clothing and get me to wear them. I had decided to not think much of it, but it still makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. The only time it has worked was when he and Kaminari got all of the girls in cheerleaders uniforms. Kaminari had apologized to us afterwards and even wore the cheerleading costume for a whole day afterwards. Kaminari also hasn't done it again unlike M*neta who keeps doing it and hasn't apologized.

Emo Music: He has made comments on my body making me feel bad about it as ever since he found out I was an omega he has been saying things along the lines of, "Hey, why don't we do it in my room, I know you want someone's hands on you, and with your body it looks like I'm the only one who would like your body"

Mom: That's unacceptable! Your gorgeous just the way you are!

Emo Music: Thank you Momo

Emo Bird: He has been saying to me how disgusting I was for being a male omega and telling me that I should go kill myself. It doesn't help that I am struggling with mental health issues.

Broken Bones: Like Tokoyami said, he's been telling me that I'm useless and can never be a hero due to me being an omega. I've learned long ago to push through set backs that try to stop me from being a hero, but I still don't like hearing those words, especially now that I know that I can be a hero, yet he just decides to look at what I am, not what I can do that can benefit so many people.

Daddy Issues: He has told me multiple times that the way my dad treated my mom was okay because women should do whatever a man tells them to. I know what he says isn't true, but it makes me angry that he's justifying my dad's actions, especially with that excuse.

Boom: He's an annoying brat with no respect for women and he does try to sneak into their area.

Baby Shark: Along with what Tokoyami and Midoriya said, he's been telling me that I'm just a tool to be used by people and that I'm not a man because of my second gender. He's been saying how weak I am, and even though it's not as severe as what he does to the women, I hate the way he views me because I'm an omega.

Alian Queen: That's awful, I'll make a folder with all the stuff he's done it would be better if you guys have any hard evidence. I'll still put in what you said. If you have any thing, just give it to me today or tomorrow. On Friday I'll give the folder to Iida to give the folder to Aizawa, because he'll probably take it more seriously from Iida.

Vroom: Alright. I'm sorry for evryone that has suffered due to M*neta. I now relies that I shouldn't have told you guys to ignore him and just leave him. I should have taken action to protect everyone, not only as the class president, but as your friend. I'm deeply sorry.

Mom: It's alright Iida, it isn't your fault. We all decided to leave him be, what matters now is that he doesn't do any of this stuff anymore. When he's expelled, we'll still keep an eye on him to make sure no one else suffers from his sexual assault.

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