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*Draco has joined the chat*

Vroom:Really? It took me some time to get everyone out. This is for Class-1A only!

Draco: This is about the Musical! I'll leave you extras once we finish the practice.

Mom:Where are you and Tokayami anyway?

Draco:Tokayami's in heat. I'm with him to make sure he's alright. So, Tokayami said he trusts Shoji to make sure everyone's on task.

Expresso:Oh, that's sweet. I didn't think you'd actually care for anyone in class 1A except for me.

Draco:Of course you're my favorite person, but Tokayami is my Musical buddy and I'm not a complete tash so I'll make sure he's alright.


Draco:Yes, cursing is way below me

Boom:And trash isn't?

Expresso:Please don't make this into a fight.

Draco:Fine, babe.

Draco:Anyway, Shoji, you're in charge of practice today. If you guys mess up, I will kill you.

*Draco has left the chat*

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