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Zoom: Since I've noticed that there are now more couples in our class, I'd like to remind you all to not make out in the hallways

Cocain: Wait, people have started dating!

Daddy Issues: Yeah, me and Izuku are dating

Broken Bones: But, we're not the ones making out, who was it?

Mama Mina: Kami and Sero!

Cocain: Wait, Kami and Sero are dating?

Earbuds: I'm disappointed Denki, why didn't you tell me?

Pikachu: Me and Sero-bro aren't dating? What would make you think that? 😕

Pikachu Translator:...

Boom: You both went on a date and ended up making out in the hallways right outside your door, idiot!

Pikachu:... Like bro's do

Baby Shark: Uh, no Denki, no

Pikachu: You've kissed evryone is the Bakusquad before

✨Baggett✨: 👀☕

Baby Shark: I've kissed you guys on the cheek before, never on the lips

Mama Mina: Or with tongue

Pikachu: Look, me and Sero are just bros

Earbuds: I feel so sorry for Sero

Pikachu: Why? He knows we're just friends

Pikachu Translator:... Now, I do

Mama Mina: Hanta, want to watch some Shrek to cheer you up?

Pikachu Translator: Thank you Mama

Mama Mina: No problem❤️

Pikachu:Ooo! Can I come?

Mama Mina: No! You go to time out and think about what you've done😡


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