Book One, Chapter One 1.1

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Look, I didn't think my life would be this dangerous as a half blood. Weird yes, dangerous no. I mean I knew it was dangerous, but not that dangerous.

If you're reading this because you think you might be like me. Here's a word of advice: if you recognize yourself in any of these pages, I strongly recommend you stop reading this right now. Believe whatever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth and lead the most normal life you can live.

Yeah, we lead dangerous lives and that's danger spelled with a capital D. It's scary, it can get you killed in painful, nasty ways.

If you're a normal person reading because your school or whatever made you or you're just an avid reader or both and think this is fake, perfect. Read on. I like how you think this stuff isn't real.

Now, I'm going to tell you one more time. If you feel something stirring inside. Just. Stop. Reading. Now. Because you're probably one of us and once you know it, it won't take much time until they know it too and you'll have a lot of Mr. Xs and Michael Myers coming your way.

Don't say I didn't warn you. Because I'd hate to say I told you so.

So for those of you who think this is fake and all this stuff is cool to read about. Hello, my name is Molly Jackson.

I'm ten years old and in fourth grade, until a few months ago, I was a regular boarding school student at Eastview Academy, a private school for troubled kids in upstate New York.

Am I a troubled kid? Yeah. You could say that.

I could rant or vent on and on about my life to prove it, but things really started going bad last May on my birthday, the fifteenth. I know, the worst birthday ever.

So my older brother sent me an email saying that his school, Yancy Academy (he's in sixth grade) was also taking a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art the same day my school was.

Why didn't he tell me sooner? I don't know. Maybe he forgot, maybe he got caught using the school computers for emailing instead of learning, realized it too late or and this is the most likely thing, he's stupid.

So we were going to learn about some Greek and Roman whatever and yes, it sounds like one of the most boring things ever. Most Eastview field trips are.

But since this is the first time I'd be seeing him since Christmas, I had hope. Not only because I'd see him, duh, but also that both of us wouldn't get in trouble. Plus the one teacher everyone likes, Mr. Hua, our history teacher was leading this. This came with the price of having Ms. Bailey the English teacher no one likes chaperoning.

You see, bad things happen to us on field trips. For reasons I don't want to go into.

This trip, I have only one reason to misbehave. Other than that, I have no reason for trouble.

The whole ride there, I tolerated Robert Gonzalez, a short tempered curly black haired boy. He kept throwing bits and pieces of his mustard covered pie in my friend Dean's hair.

You can do anything to Dean. He will tolerate any treatment. To some extent I respect that, but at the same time, I can't protect him from everything. There are times when I'd get there too late and all I'd hear is "Why are you doing this to me?" On top of all that, he's handicapped. Has a note excusing him from PE for life because of some leg muscle disease. On tater tot day though I'd ask myself, what disease? The dude runs faster for the tater tots than I do.

So yeah, stupid Robert throwing his disgusting pie at Dean. He took advantage of the fact I couldn't fight back. The headmaster threatened me with a death by in school suspension. Which to me seemed confusing, you're threatening a child and isn't suspension means you stay away from the school? So by the headmaster's definition of death by in school suspension if anything mildly bad, mildly embarrassing, or even mildly entertaining happens, I'm out.

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