: after ✞︎| 𝙼 |

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☞︎︎︎ 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝
☞︎︎︎ 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎\𝚘𝚋𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎

"Distance makes the heart grow fonder"

Disclaimer :
This is After smut. I am going to be writing sex between Tessa and Hardin, but in my way, and I hope it satisfies your horny ass.

Its going to be a long ass chapter and it might be depressing for those who read the After series and cried lots of times while reading. This chapter is going to contain some emotional shit so get your self ready.

This is from when they took a two-three year break from each other. When Tessa went to New York to start a new life in order to mend her life with Hardin.

If you have already read After, please read Nothing more and Nothing Less if you wanna understand the references that I make here.

The following is my imagination:

Hardin, not being able to handle the distance between Tessa and him, begs to whoever is listening for a release. A night with Tessa. It will not be enough and he wants to live his whole life with her rather than just a night, which is mostly filled with sex and sleep.

But he is the kind of guy that needs sex to live on in life, which he has not been able to get, ever since Tess left. He can't bear to handle sex with anyone else. He tried it. It didn't work.

All the calm he gets is when he imagines it is her and jerks off, but mind you, it is an imagination, it can only last so long.

When he is not able to handle anymore, he drives, going 25 over the limit, to New York. He needs this and he knows damn well Tessa does too.

He arrives at Landon and Tessa's apartment at midnight. He knocks gently on the door, hoping that it will be Tessa who opens it and not Landon.

He hears loud moans from what he presumes is Landon's room because the female moans he hears are definitely not Tessa's.

He has memorized every inch of Tessa's body, every little sound she has made in the time she spent with him will forever be etched in his brain, every tear, every smile, every chuckle, every giggle, every moan, was for him and him only. He wasted it. He wasted her. He forced his paws on her, chewed her and tossed her away like a piece of gum. She kept coming back, always having more to give even when there was nothing, which made him take advantage. When she gave up, refusing to believe that whatever they are will work, he finally understood that after all she has done for him, with him and only him, he also has a part to give. A part to contribute. She has given up after fighting hard. She is wounded and will take time to heal, but until then, he has got to take over and fight for her, until her wounds are healed.

He knew this. He still knows this. So he is fighting, unsure if he is fighting hard enough. But still fighting.

Hardin POV :

I sigh as I think about how Tess became after I came into her life.

I knock again and hear some shuffling on the other side of the door.

"Coming", I hear the familiar voice of my soulmate. My eyes become glossy as I play the word again and again in my head. Her voice is raspy and she sniffles right after she talks. Is she crying?

Landon told me she is crying everyday but not like this. Is she getting any sleep? Is she okay? Is she tired? Is she fucking okay?

"Shit!", I hear the voice of the girl who I have been deprived with for the last one year. A tear escapes my eye. I hastily wipe it off as I stand at the door, waiting.

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