Chapter 6

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Renna stirred with a sigh, stretching her arms above her head. Sunlight was streaming through the stained glass windows of her chambers and she could faintly hear the sound of birdsong outside.

She felt good, relaxed, and satisfied. The king had come to her last night and had absolutely rocked her world. He was a sweet lover, patient and kind. She had gone mad underneath him, her lust turning her into an unbridled, wild thing.

She frowned at that thought, curling in on herself slightly. She hoped he didn't think her whorish. It was unbecoming of a lady to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh in the noble world. His Majesty might think less of her for her lewd actions and words.

She rolled to get more comfortable and came face to face with His Highness's knowing grin.

"Good morning..."

She sat up again, covering her naked chest with her arms. "Your Majesty?! You're still here? You shouldn't be caught in a lady's chambers. What will people think?"

He grunted, rolling onto his back to stretch. "That I'm eager to bed my beautiful wife and don't have the patience to wait for her in my own quarters?"

She huffed. Sargon reached out, running his hand lightly up and down her arm. His dreamy expression and the sight of his broad chest laid out and open relaxed her somewhat. Without invitation, she scooted closer and snuggled into his side, head on his chest. His arm went down and around her waist, squeezing slightly.

"Now this a king could grow accustomed to," he chortled, his chest shaking slightly. She hummed in agreement. The castle around them was quiet and peaceful. Silence such as this was unheard of in the busy estate of the duke.

"However, I am disappointed that you lied to me."

She froze, terror seizing her. Had he figured her out? Had she given it away somehow in bed? How did he know?

"My liege...?" she asked fearfully, body shaking as she looked up to meet his eye. To her surprise, he didn't look angry. In fact, he was grinning.

"You were no virgin."

Relief flooded her, only to be quickly replaced by a newer fear. He could cast her out for disgracing him like this. She'd be in violation of the marriage contract. He could send her away. He could have her executed.

Despite her obvious shaking, she tried to play dumb, "Why do you say that, my king? Was there no blood? I heard that... some women do not bleed... if their partners are skilled enough..."

He shook his head. "There was no blood, my lady, but I'm referring to your actions. Those lewd requests and eager hips were not the motions of a virgin."

Panicking, she did the first thing she could think of. She scrambled over him to drop to the floor, turning back to lay herself prostrate.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty! I've disgraced you and your lineage. But, please don't send me away. Should my Father find out, he won't let me back home. I'll have nowhere to go. Please." There was no telling what the duke would do if she failed this mission. He still thought Emmeline was here with the king and Renna was near home with the duke.

Sargon had sat up, she could see his toes just above where her head was nearly pressed to the floor.

"Rise, my lady. You are not in trouble."

She peeked up at him, unsure. His expression was more sad than angry. Slowly, she rose back to her knees, but kept her head hanging, staying on the floor. "I was young and foolish and curious, sire. I never expected to be in a king's bed." She winced, hearing herself, "That's not to say I shouldn't have saved myself for any husband. I'm lucky my father found me such a good match. I was just a foolish whore..."

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