Chapter 12

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The storm arrived, as promised. For hours, the castle groaned and whined from the onslaught of winds and snow. It went on well into the night, most citizens tucking into sleep through the worst of it.

Haunted by the sounds and shrieks she had never heard before, Renna found sleep unattainable. She'd hardly seen His Majesty all day, as preoccupied with meeting and planning as he was. Though he had requested she stay by his side, she'd missed the opportunity.

Long past midnight, alone in her cold chamber, Renna finally decided to give up her attempt at sleep. Restless energy had filled her and she knew she had to walk it off. She'd worn several layers to bed to fight the penetrating chill, so she simply slipped one last, fancier layer over top of the others. No use waking Marcelle.

She took a lit candle in its holder to the door, rapping softly.

"Yes, my lady?" one of the guards asked from the other side.

"I'm unable to rest and would like to take a walk through the halls. Might one of you accompany me?"

"Our honor, my queen. We shall both accompany you."

The halls were warmer than her room, thanks to the abundance of warm bodies huddled together and the fires burning in the big common areas. Soft sounds of sleeping could be heard on either side as Renna tiptoed carefully throughout. She received a few sleepy but respectful nods as she passed those still awake.

All was quiet, but still so very full of life. She found she liked this, being amongst her people while they slept like she was their watchful guardian. She was suddenly struck with the sense that she should be doing more. Perhaps as queen, she'd have the power to help these people build homes that could withstand the gales Drimor was famous for. It was certainly something to consider for the future.

As they rounded a corner leading to a shorter hallway, Renna saw up ahead another candle similar to hers. At first, she thought she was caught in some sort of reflection, but as she drew nearer, she found that was not to be the case.

Her doppelganger raised their candle so that their face might be illuminated. Renna was shocked to see the grin of her husband.

"Your Majesty?!" she whispered shrilly. He was unattended, wandering seemingly alone in his regalia.

"I did not expect to see you up and about at this hour, my lady," he whispered back. The grin hadn't left his face. He seemed delighted to see her.

"I couldn't sleep," she mumbled. His grin vanished.

"The winds bothering you, love?"

"We don't have weather quite this violent in Shewen..."

His face filled with concern and pity and he stepped forward to offer his arm. Gratefully, she slipped her free hand through his elbow. Sargon turned to her entourage.

"You may leave us, gentlemen. I'd like to walk alone with my wife."

In the faint glow of the candles, the guards exchanged a worried look. "A-at least allow one of us to accompany you, my liege?"

"No need. I am more than capable of protecting both myself and Her Highness. Take the lady's candle, will you? We'll keep mine."

A few mumbles and exchanges later, Renna found herself alone with her husband in a public place. So far, almost every interaction with the man had been behind closed doors. It was odd to see him so free in his manner while surrounded by his people. Granted, most of his people were unconscious, but the surprise remained.

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