bent (read with caution)

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Rowan: Hey, Eugene.

Eugene: Yeah?

Rowan: They say gay people go to hell.

Eugene: That's what the bible said...

Rowan: What if a straight person goes to hell? Won't they become gay, too??

Eugene: .....

Eugene spoke slowly and almost cautiously: Become gay because Satan is hot?

Rowan was confused: Oh... uh.. what? Then, what about another reason?

Eugene: Which is?

Rowan: If the person is straight as a steel bar, and hell is hot because people burn there, won't the straight person become bent?

(bent = gay, not straight, the weak hero cast and their bromance, me)

Gray: If the temperature is over a thousand degree Celsius, it's possible.

Gray unexpectedly winked at Eugene: But what Eugene said has a bigger possibility.

Eugene: .......

Rowan: You're so smart, Eugene! Gray acknowledged your answer.

Eugene: I prefer Gray acknowledging my test scores, not my answer about Satan being hot!

Headcanon: Eugene once watched Lil Nas' Montero with Gray. With Eugene ending up getting scared. (Gray lowkey wanted to replay it but for the sake of Eugene, he didn't.) Rowan doesn't know the existence of the music video because he's using YouTube Kids.


i had to stop myself from using wunk instead of winked 😖😖😖

and again, i remind you that our lives would've been better and Rowan would already be using the YouTube app, if the past tense of wink was wunk not winked!!!

see ya never *smile smile*

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