wolf the cat ( lmao the irony )

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"What's that inside your jacket?" Gray asked, curious of what Stephen might be hiding behind his fluffy jacket.

"Hehe, look," Stephen opened his arms, revealing a cat. Its fur was, strangely, a shade of purple. Gray wondered if it's normal for cats to have purple fur. It's eyes were gray, oddly suiting the cat's lazy look on its eyes. It meowed at Gray.

"You brought home a cat?" Gray asked a question where its answer's painfully obvious.

"Yep!" Stephen grinned, a hand petting the cat.

"Hmm. What will you name it?"

"You name it. Since I brought it here without your consent," Surely, Gray wouldn't name it something ridiculous.


"..What?" with visible confusion, Stephen looked at Gray. If Gray was to be honest, he doesn't know why he said that. It just came to his mind.

"..Let's name it Wolf," Gray said. He decided just to go with it, there's no going back now. Stephen laughed.

"We'll call you Wolf then," Stephen said to the cat. The cat, now named Wolf, meowed at him.

'Fucking dumb but that is my name,'

The cat is Wolf. No one would believe Wolf if he said he suddenly got turned into a cat by, none other than, Jake. The bright-haired teen said it's for the plot. Wolf doesn't know why the fuck he needs to be included in his shitty crap.

Stephen let Wolf rest on their sofa. Wolf noted that it's really soft and comfortable. Stephen started talking to Gray, who rarely replied. Now Wolf knows that the two are the opposite, but they oddly mesh well.

"I'll go get a box for Wolf," Stephen left the living room. Gray nodded as he sat down beside Wolf.

'What?' Wolf meowed at Gray, since he noticed that Gray was staring at him.

"What a weird color for a cat,"

'Bitch- purple is a good color!' Wolf hissed at Gray, raising his paw to try and scratch his but Gray had picked him up. He placed Wolf on his lap, it took some time to calm him down but it turns out, Wolf just needed some pets.

'You're lucky I'm a cat right now,' Wolf was embarrassed to admit it, but he purred from Gray's pets.

"What was Wolf angry for?" Stephen asked. He had finished set up Wolf's bed, a box with some old clothes, which belongs to him and Gray.

"I don't know," Gray continued petting Wolf. For some reason, Gray liked this cat.

"Oh. Anyway, I set up his bed!"

'It better be comfy,'


The next days, Wolf spent his time eating, sleeping, getting pets, and just walking around the house. Wolf was getting the luxury, he knows, he deserves. Heck, even Gray, himself, bought Wolf a bottle of fresh milk. It left Wolf to wonder what would happen if the two ever found out that he's actually a human and he's Wolf Keum.

'Oi, peasant. I'm hungry,' Wolf meowed at Stephen, who was doing some paperwork.

"Aww, you want some pets?" Stephen said, smiling as he looked at Wolf's cuteness. Will the human Wolf look cute in Stephen's eyes though? He'll look hot, probably.

'No. I want food,'

"Hehe, come here," Stephen opened his arm, attempting to grab Wolf. The purple cat scratched him.

'I said I want food!' Wolf hissed at Stephen. The brunette gasped.

"Gray! Wolf scratched me!" Stephen cried out. Gray entered the room, seeing the hissing state of Wolf the cat and the crying state of Stephen.

"Wolf probably just wants food,"

'Damn right I do,' Gray picked up Wolf.


Wolf stared at Alex, who was sitting comfortably on the couch. The couch that Wolf stated as his territory.

'Get away from my couch!' Wolf hissed at Alex.

"You guys have a cat?" Alex noticed the cat.

"Yeah. Stephen brought Wolf home,"


"That's his name,"

"Oh.." Alex looked at Wolf, who happen to be staring at him, too.

"Hello there, buddy," the teen with an undercut smiled at the cat.

'1..' Wolf started counting in his mind.

"You want a treat?"


"Is he really this quiet-"

'3,' Wolf jumped at Alex, his sharp nails showing. He's obviously gonna scratch Alex. Luckily, he moved away from Wolf before it could happen.

'Godammit!' Wolf hissed at Alex.

"Gray, get your cat!"

"It don't bite,"

"Yes, it fucking do!"

After that, Alex remembered to stay away from the cat named Wolf. Is he even a cat? He's like a wolf, which is what Gray and Stephen had named him but seriously, when Wolf charged at Alex, he looked like a feral beast. But after being petted, Wolf calmed down. Alex was so confused on how Wolf can go from being a wild beast to a cute cat. Don't judge a book by their cover, they say.

And staying away from Wolf was a good idea for Alex. He already has a scar on his nose, another scar would suck. And later on Alex found out that when Rowan and Eugene visited Gray and saw the cat, Rowan ended up with a scratch on his face.


ta-da! hahaha i love wolf as a cat

i made this bc idk any good plot for a wolf and gray one shot hahahaha...yeh i ship them sorry 🤷‍♂️

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