wolf's birthday! [ tw : bloOD >:D ]

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this is kinda bloody bc y'know it's the union boys (:


“Happy birthday to you!” The Union boys sang happily, though Forrest looked like he didn't want to be in this birthday party.

“Blow the candle and make a wish now, Wolf!” Jake said. The idea of setting up a birthday party for Wolf came from Jake. The others didn't want to participate but Jake begged them to.

“I know. I'm not a kid.” Wolf frowned. His frowning face didn't really suit the bright purple party hat he wore, also given his outfit.

It's his 18th birthday! Not 4th!

“Turn that frown upside down, Wolf.” said Jimmy, “Doesn't suit your bright attire.”

“Bitch, I look good in everything-”

“Okay, okay! No fighting, I promised Donald that there will be no fights.” Truthfully, Jake did promise a peaceful birthday party. They're using Donald's office as the venue anyway. “Just blow the candle and make a wish!”

“Fine..” Wolf looked at his cake, which his comrades baked for him. He doesn't know whether he should believe them or not. At least it's free. The only problem is that it's a Sofia the F!rst themed cake.

The princess, Sofia, was badly drawn. Her nose and right eye got switched. Her fingers were just sticks. Literal sticks as they were only five straight lines connected to her deformed wrist. Sofia's face shape was crooked. Overall, it's hideous.

But still, the Union boys worked hard for it, Wolf was still grateful. Plus, it's free!

Why must they turn everything purple though? Heck, Wolf wouldn't mind it if it was the purple mascot from Teletubbies but a princess. A princess! Unacceptable! Someone should make a movie about a prince.

Wolf blew the candles, closing his eyes as he made a wish. Wolf has common sense that wishes don't come true if you say them out loud.

“There, happy now?” Jake grinned at Wolf.

Then Wolf felt a hand hold his head in place.

What the fuck, this is so cliché-’ thinking that this was some scene from every birthday party ever, where the birthday boy's face meets the cake, Wolf didn't struggle. The cake is soft since it's bread, right?

Wolf's head was slammed onto the cake; his head passed the cake as the impact made a loud banging sound. The plate was broken, the table was cracked. Wolf's head was bleeding. Lots of blood coming out as Wolf was out cold.

“Haha! Happy birthday.”

Silence fell in the room. Wolf hadn't moved a muscle.

“What the fuck, Myles!?” Jake screamed, glaring at Myles, who was the culprit of Wolf's possibly broken skull. Jake was no longer smiling, he walked over to Wolf, checking for the poor boy's pulse. Luckily, Wolf was still breathing.

“Isn't that what they do at birthday parties?” Myles asked. All he wanted was to get back at Wolf for giving him an undercut.

“They don't kill people at their birthdays,” Jimmy said. “Is he dead or?” Jimmy looked at Jake, who nodded as an answer to Jimmy's question.

“I could care less about Wolf,” Donald said. All along, he was sitting on his chair, spinning as he watched everything. “But is my table okay?”

Jake carefully moved Wolf's bleeding head, looking at the spot where Wolf's head got slammed onto. It had a small crack. Which is surprising because the banging was so loud and Wolf's head was bleeding, perhaps his skull was also broken, but the table was fine.

“Just a small scratch,” Jake said, looking confused. “Why is the damage so little when it sounded like a gunshot?”

“It's made of maple wood. You think I'd use such weak and cheap woods for my table?” Donald asked, Jake didn't want to answer.

“Uhh, Wolf is losing too much blood,” Forrest said. Wolf was seriously losing blood.

“Y'all think he'd get anemia with that blood loss?”

“Shut up! Someone call an ambulance,” Jake was already panicking.

“He needs a pharmacist-”

“Shut up, Brandon Rogers enthusiast,” Donald ordered Jimmy.

“Guys, Wolf is getting paler..”

“Fuck it!” Jake exclaimed. “We're carrying Wolf to the hospital!”

In the end, they didn't call an ambulance. They ended up carrying Wolf. Some people on the streets who bumped into them got scared, from the blood and the screaming of the boys. But some think that it's some sort of prank by high schoolers. Haha, no bitches, no.


Wolf opened his eyes, squinting as the harsh light hit his vision. He tried getting up, only to be met by a splitting pain on his head. Haha, Wolf, your skull almost got split in half. But it didn't.

Wolf heard familiar voices chatting.

“Who brought this loaf of bread?”

“Shut the fuck up. That bread is one of the finest ones out there. And it's worth more than your life.”

“Be quiet. The nurse will come and scold us again.”

“What the fuck.” Wolf said.

“Hey..! Wolf! How's the weather down there, haha?” Jake laughed nervously. Not knowing how to tell Wolf that he's got a traumatic brain injury.

Wolf who laid on a hospital bed, “.....” Was that a fucking joke?

“So, uhh.. stuffs happened at your birthday party so you're here but look we brought you a new cake.” Jake presented a purple cake in front of Wolf.

“Oh..” Oddly enough, Wolf can't remember anything from what happened to him. But he does remember the dorks in front of him. “What happened?”

“You.. slipped from the.. cake frosting! And you hit your head, you got unconscious- and yeah?”

Wolf could tell that they're obviously lying. He looked at Forrest.

“The doctor said you cracked your skull!” Forrest blurted out. He's always been bad at keeping secrets.

Everyone in the room gasped.






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