stephen and wesley (read with caution)

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stephen's here (: and wesley too!

context is that stephen kidnapped wesley and plans to peel off his nails 😳

there are insults (directed at stephen) here and there 😶😶 i'm sorry 😐

this is kinda long and it should have some grammatical errors since i'm dumb 😘


“It was you, wasn't it, Wesley?” He asked as he wiped the scalpel in his hand with a cloth.

The blue haired youth, Wesley, struggled violently in his seat. Both his hands were tied with thick rope on the armrest of the wooden chair; his feet bound also to the chair. “No! It wasn't me! Why the fuck would I do that?!” He hastily denied.

He was lying of course. He, Wesley was the one who tricked Gray into thinking Stephen was alive. Who knew that Stephen was actually alive? (LOL LMAO XD)

“Everyone knows that you're dead, Stephen. What the fuck are you doing here—” He wanted to say more but his speech was cut off when he saw the man in front him raise the scalpel—it shone with a cold glint.

“Did this scare you? Don't worry, I won't use it yet.” He smiled but it only scared Wesley more.

“Bullshit! Untie this right now! I'll report you to the police, you fucking madman! Why don't you go back to your hospital bed and lay down like the retard you are!” Out of anger, Wesley blurted out.

Stephen's smile didn't changed. Instead, he walked towards the thrashing Wesley in a steady pace.

“You... Let me go!” He struggled more but no avail. The rough texture of the rope scratched his wrists and ankles, leaving red marks and the feeling of itchiness. “Stop! Don't come near me! I'll tell the group chat about you!”

Stephen stopped walking. He quietly watched the other struggle.

“That's not gonna work. You're gonna need something sharp to cut those bad boys.” Stephen said, referring to the ropes.

“Where the fuck did you learn to say that? The hospital nurses? It's probably from your poor ancestors that appeared in your dreams while you were in coma!”

Stephen ignored his insult and continued, “Considering that you're the one tied up and no one is here to give you scissors, you can only use your bone.”

“Wha.. What bone! Shut your mouth!”

“You can try to rip out the bone in your arm then sharpen it on the ground. The rough surface can help.” He slid his foot around on the cold and rough floor. “That's what the stone age people did. Except the bones were from their prey.”

“And when it's finally sharp enough..”

“No! Stop! I don't wanna listen to your stupid words! No one cares about your knowledge! Why can't your brain just explode!?”

He stopped in front of Wesley and pointed at the left side of his chest, “You can stab your heart.” He switched his gaze to Wesley's forehead. “Your brain will also make a good knife holder.”

“Audible gasp.” Wesley then gasped heavily.

Stephen asked with a smile, “Wanna try it?”

“Aaaahhh!!” Wesley loudly screamed. Stephen covered his ears, startled from the noise.

“Your vocal cords are good, I know, no need to rub it on my face.”

Wesley screamed even louder.

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