𝟙- 𝕄𝕣. 𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕤

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"Bye Micheal" I say, opening the front door.

"Wait, Callie," he says, making his way over to me from the couch.

"What babe?"

He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me. "I can't kiss my beautiful wife goodbye?" He kissed me again.

I blush and roll my eyes. He looks down and lightly kisses my forehead. "Bye, beautiful. I love you," He says, removing his hands from my waist. "Bye," I say, exiting the door and closing it behind me.

My car sits in the driveway lightly covered in snow from the snowfall overnight. That's the one thing about living in Michigan, it's always raining, snowing, or we just have shitty weather. We barely have nice weather.

As I walk to my car, I leave footprints in the layered snow. I unlock my car and place my hand on the icey door handle to open the driver side door.

When I sit in the car, I shiver and quickly put the keys in the ignition.

I feel the need to drive down to the coffee shop a few blocks away from my job, and get a hot chocolate with espresso.

I drive to the law firm where I work. The receptionist in the lobby greets me "Good morning, Mrs.Callie," 

"You don't have to say 'Mrs.', it's too formal, just Callie." I tease.

"Have a good day, Mrs. Callie," She laughs. I giggle with her and make my way to the elevators.

The elevator dings and I walk in, press the button for the 18th floor, and the doors start to close. "Hold it" I hear a man's voice holler and footsteps rushing, and an arm stops the doors from shutting.

In comes a man with a black hoodie and hat on. His shoes are bright white, Jordan 4s the shoes that Michael keeps telling me he wants. I gotta say, they are some really nice shoes.

"What floor?" I ask, ready to press the button he needs.

"18th" He says.

"Same as me,"

"Morning," I say as he returns his hands to his pockets.

The door shuts again and the elevator starts to go up.

"Mornin," he says.

My eyes travel over him and the hat and hoodie cover his face, the only thing I see is a brown trimmed beard.

He pulls out his phone and dials a number. I hear a faint ringing and then a deep man's voice come from the phone. "Yeah I'm on my way up,.....I'm not late you're just early...whatever Paul," He says then he hangs up and puts the phone back into his pant-pocket.

We reach the 18th floor and he motions his hand for me to go first "Ladies first," He says.

I flash a smile and leave the elevator, he follows behind me.

I make my way to the conference room, and I realize he's following me.

"Are you following me?" I say.

"I'm not followin nobody, I got a meeting."

"So do I," I explain, opening the conference door.

"Good morning everyone," I say, greeting the people sitting around the table, and walking my way to my seat.

"Paul, That's the lawyer?" He asks, sitting down beside him.

"You must be...Mr. Mathers?" I ask looking down into the file.


My binder hits the table as I open in and I pull out a a few folders with 'Mathers, Marshall" on them.

Paul, his manager, sent them over to me the day before.

"Alright let's get this started, I'm Callie." I say sitting down and crossing my legs under the table.

"Paul" He informs.

"Alright Paul, what are we here for?"

"Well Marshall here needs a new lawyer for his foundation and the legalities of his music, like trademarks and copyright accusations. And we heard you're pretty good. Right Marshall?" Paul explains.

"Yeah," He says, leaning in his chair.

"Well I'm not sure If I can take on such a big project right now," I say looking through the files. "And currently you have three possible allegations against you?"

"Yeah but I didn't copyright shit, I ain't even heard of these people until Paul told me they were trying to sue me." Marshall says defensively.

"I'll look over everything again, but I don't think I can take this case for you."

"We need you Callie, please just look over the proposal and we can arrange another meeting." Paul encourages.

"If I may? Can I ask what happened to the last lawyer you had?"

"Marshall Happened," Paul tells me. "He scared him away, by sleeping with his wife."

"She came on to me, and that was years ago, FYI. He just didn't find out till last month. Not my fault she was a whore." Marshall says, smirking.

"Uh huh sure she did," Paul jokes.

"Well I'm sure he wouldn't be problem now since he is in a relationship and you are married." Paul says looking down at my ring.

"Of course it wouldn't be problem," I acknowledge.

"Okay ya' done talking shit?" Marshall says moving his eyes between me and Paul.

"For now," I smirk.

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