The Pain

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Tommy woke up, not in as much pain as last night, it was bearable. "Morning" Phil said as he held his hands behind his back, leaving Tommy confused. "Morning?" Tommy replied back as he sat up. "So, remember the thing you asked for like a day or so ago?" Phil asked as he closed the door and walked over to him. "No actually" Tommy laughed. "Well here it is!" Phil laughed as he handed Tommy a new phone. Tommy gasped as he took the phone and turned it on. "I charged it up last night so it would be ready for today and added all of our contacts onto it" Phil smiled, "you like it?". "Do I like it OF CAUSE! I LOVE IT THANK YOU SO MUCH" Tommy yelled as he jumped at Phil, giving him a huge hug. "No problem mate, now get ready for school" Phil laughed as he left Tommy be.

Tommy started downloading apps as he heard a knock on the door. "Come in". "Morning" Techno said as he walked in. "Morning, what's up" Tommy said happily. "How long have you worn the binder for?" Techno asked worriedly. "Ever since you gave it me, why?" Tommy said as Techno laughed slightly. "You're only supposed to wear it for 8 hours max!" Techno said as Tommys face dropped. "...whoops". "Whoops?! Make sure you take it off otherwise your ribs could get bruised" Techno said with a small laugh. "I will" Tommy laughed. "How's the pain?" Techno asked. "It's fine for now" Tommy said as his smile dropped. "Ok, tell me if it gets bad, I don't want you to suffer in silence ok" Techno said as he walked over to the door. "Ok" Tommy smiled as Techno closed the door.

He quickly got dressed, looking in the mirror after putting a bra on. He hated it, he wanted to put he binder back on. *Just a couple more hours* he thought as he quickly put the binder back on and continued getting dressed. "Hey Tina, you gonna eat?" Phil asked from outside the door. "I'll grab something at school" Tommy said as he finished putting his hoodie on and grabbed his phone, putting it in his pocket. "You ready to go?" Phil asked. "Yeah just one second" he said as he quickly put his shoes on. He started to feel the pain, it wasn't bad yet, luckily, but what about later? He quickly ran past Phil and into the bathroom, sorted himself out with a new pad and went to the car.

Once they arrived at school, Tommy quickly grabbed his bag, said bye and quickly ran to Ranboo and Tubbo. "Hey guys!" He said happily. "Hey! What's got you so happy?" Tubbo asked as Ranboo nodded. "I got a phone!" Tommy said happily as he showed it them. "Oh cool! I'll put my number on it" Tubbo said as he grabbed the phone and quickly added his number along with Ranboos. "There" Tubbo smiled, "now if you ever need us then you can text us ok". "Ok!" Tommy smiled as he put it back in his pocket. "Are you in any pain like yesterday?" Tubbo asked. "It's definitely there but I'm ok" Tommy smiled as he was stood hunched over a bit. "Ok, that's good at least". They all started walking to their first class as the bell rang.

"Science, great" Tubbo sighed as he led the 2 down the hall. "Is Science bad?" Tommy asked nervously. "No it's ok, the teacher barely shouts and when he does, then you've pissed him off" Tubbo answered. "It'll be ok though, want to sit in the middle of us again?" Ranboo signed as Tubbo translated. "If you're ok with it then sure" Tommy smiled as they walked to class. Tubbo sat down next to a wall as Tommy sat on the left of him with Ranboo sitting down next to Tommy. "Remember you can hold my hand whenever you need ok" Tommy whispered to Ranboo as he nodded with a smile. "Thank you" Ranboo wrote down. "No problem" Tommy smiled.

Half way through the lesson, Tommy looked at his time table, seeing he had English next. He started to worry, *I can't do a class alone, I've never done a class alone, what if the teacher shouts, then who's going to be there to help me* Tommy thought as he noticed his hands had started shaking slightly as he quickly hid them under the table, hoping no one had noticed. He looked over at Ranboo, kinda forgetting how anxious he really was as he bit his pen whilst his leg bounced and to add onto that, he was also grabbing handfuls of his hair. Tommy tapped his shoulder and left his hand open on the table. Ranboo jumped as he looked at him, then his hand. He quickly grabbed his hand tightly as he closed his eyes tightly and sighed.

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