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Tommy bumped into someone, falling backwards onto the floor as he quickly got back up and without looking at the person, pushed past them and started running again. "Oh no you don't" he heard as he was grabbed and brought back into the house. "WHY DID YOU RUN OFF" Techno yelled as he pushed Tommy back inside, almost making him fall over. "HUH" he yelled again, he grabbed Tommys shoulders and yelled in his face. Tommy was frozen, he couldn't move nor talk. "TECHNO BACK OFF" he heard someone else yell as Techno was punched away from him. Tommy just stood there, too scared to move. "SHES THE ONE THAT RAN AWAY" Techno yelled as he pushed past Wilbur and ran upstairs. Wilbur looked at Tommy and quickly ran over to him, he was completely frozen. "Tommy come here, it's alright" he said as he opened his arms. Tommy didn't move, he just stared straight ahead as a silent tear ran down is face. "It's ok" Wilbur said as he picked him up and slowly rocked him in his arms.

Tommy let Wilbur hold him, too stunned to do anything else. "Tommy talk to me, do something, please" Wilbur said as he held Tommy tightly. "D-dad" Tommy whispered shakily. "Dad? Are you talking about Phil?" Wilbur asked confusedly. Tommy shook his head, no. Wilbur thought for a second before realising. "Oh, it's ok, he's not here and won't ever be ok, you're safe here, that was Techno who yelled at you, he didn't mean to, he was just panicked by you running away from him that he didn't know what to do" Wilbur explained slowly so Tommy got it all. "Are you ok?" He asked. Tommy didn't answer as he slowly wrapped his arms around Wilbur loosely. "It's alright, try and relax, you're safe, nothings going to hurt you" Wilbur kept reassuring him. Tommy nodded but he couldn't relax, he was too tensed up.

"Wilbur I can't find- Tina oh my god" Phil said as he quickly ran up to them and cupped Tommys face in his hands. "Please, never do that ever again" Phil laughed nervously as he wiped Tommys tears away. "What happened?" He asked. Wilbur explained what Tommy had told him and then continued to explain what he saw with Techno and Tommy. "I'll go and check on him" Phil said as he quickly ran upstairs. "K-Kristen" Tommy whispered. "Kristen has went to visit some people she has missed, that's why she hasn't been here today, she's coming back later though" Wilbur said, still slowly rocking Tommy side to side whilst rubbing his back. Tommy nodded as he started to relax. "Are you ok" Wilbur asked him again as he walked over to the sofa and sat down with Tommy on his lap. "I-" Tommy started until he was unable to talk. "It's ok, you're ok" Wilbur whispered with a smile. He felt Tommy jump, like he had remembered something.

"What's wrong?" He asked him. "T-Tubbo, I-I was going a-after him" Tommy said as he sat up. "No, not now, you're not going anywhere, you're staying here with me ok, you literally couldn't move like a minute ago" Wilbur said as he held Tommy tightly. "B-but I need to" Tommy cried as he started to get out of Wilbur's grasp. "Tommy stop". Tommy kept trying. "Tommy please" Wilbur begged as he held Tommy tightly, trying hard not to yell, "Tommy I'm trying very hard not to yell at you right now so please stop struggling and stay with me for just a little longer, you're still not fully ok". "Wilbur I have never been fully ok" Tommy snapped as he stopped struggling and looked at Wilbur. "Tommy". "I'm sorry I'm really-" "stop, stop talking, you don't need to apologise, it's ok" Wilbur stopped him from talking as he pulled Tommy closer to him and slowly rubbed his back. "Tubbo is most likely fine, where's your phone?" Wilbur asked him. Tommy got out his phone and showed it to him.

"Text Tubbo if you're really worried about him" Wilbur smiled. Tommy nodded as he quickly texted Tubbo, "Are you ok? Did something happen?". Tubbo didn't reply. "Please just let me run to his house, I won't be long" Tommy said, growing very impatient. "No, you're seeing him tomorrow anyway so you can just see him then right?" Wilbur said, still holding Tommy tightly, making sure he wasn't going to go anywhere. "Fine" Tommy said, finally giving up. "Can I at least go and see Techno" he asked. "Yes ok, just as long as you stay in the house because I don't trust that you're not going to immediately run to Tubbos house" Wilbur said as he let go of Tommy and watched him walk upstairs.

Tommy knocked on Technos door, hearing a quiet "go away". "It's-" " I don't care who you are go away" Techno said, cutting Tommy off. He sounded angry and tired. "Tommy" Tommy continued. "What do you want" Techno said from his bed. "Can I come in?" Tommy asked. "NO- I mean, n-not yet" Techno yelled as Tommy heard a lot of movement, making him worried as he heard footsteps. "What do you want" Techno said as he walked up to the door. "Are you ok?" Tommy asked him. Techno looked back at his room before answering, "I'm fine, now leave me alone" he said as he walked away. "Wait, please can I just come in" Tommy asked again, not giving up. "Tommy just go away, please, I don't want to yell again" Techno said. "I don't blame you for yelling at me y'know, it was kind of deserved" Tommy laughed slightly. "No, you didn't deserve it, I was just... I don't know, just know that I'm sorry ok" Techno sighed. "It's ok" Tommy smiled. "Can I come in now?" He asked again. "You're not going to leave me alone huh" he heard Techno laugh. "Nope, now can I?" Tommy asked again.

"Fine" Techno sighed as Tommy opened the door, seeing him standing in front of a broken mirror with bleeding knuckles. "Oh my god Techno!" he said as he quickly ran up to him and held his hands, looking at his knuckles. Tommy quickly dragged him to the bathroom and put his hands under the taps as he turned the taps on, watching Techno flinch from the pain. "Are you ok?" Tommy asked him with worry in his voice. "I'll live" Techno smiled. "Techno, you punched a mirror" Tommy said as he looked at Technos face. "Yeah, not the first time" Techno sighed. Tommy gently started to clean Technos hands, accidentally making him flinch every now and then. "That's not good". "I know but I can't help it" Techno sighed as he looked at the ground. "It's ok, you'll be ok" Tommy smiled as he gently dried Technos hands and brought him back to his bedroom. "Are you ok now" he asked Techno as he sat him down on his bed. "Yes I'm fine, but what about the smashed mirror, I need to clean it all up again" Techno sighed as he laid down. "I'll help you" Tommy smiled as he sat next to him. "Really? Why?". "Why not, I wanna help" Tommy smiled. "Ok but if you get cut then that's not my fault" Techno laughed as he started cleaning everything with Tommy helping.

Once all of it was gone, Tommy brought Techno downstairs to eat, noticing he hadn't eaten anything. "Have you eaten anything today?" Techno asked back. "Maybe" Tommy said as he looked away. "I'm only eating if you eat" Techno smiled as he crossed his arms. "Fine!" Tommy laughed. They both quickly ate something, seeing Wilbur had fallen asleep on the sofa as well as Phil. Once they had both finished their food, they woke the 2 up and brought them to bed before going to bed themselves, also seeing Kristen fast asleep in bed. "When did Kristen get home?" Tommy asked confusedly. "I don't know?" Techno laughed as they both said goodnight to each other before going to bed themselves.

All of Philzas money is gonna be gone due to the amount of mirrors he has had to buy because of Techno

1382 words

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