Room Makeover

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Another knock was soon heard. Tommy was confused on why they all kept knocking on the door. "Come in" he yelled as he sat up. "Hello, so I've got a question, multiple maybe" Techno said as he went into the room and closed the door. "C-can you leave the door open please" Tommy asked, getting very nervous. "Oh yeah sure" Techno said as he opened the door slightly. "Is that ok?" He asked. "Mhm, thanks" Tommy said with a smile. "No problem, anyway, I'm gonna guess that you prefer eating alone with no one around to watch you rather than people being around you, correct?" Techno said as he started walking closer. "M-mhm" Tommy mumbled, getting more nervous as Techno moved closer and closer until he sat down in front of him.

"Do you have any disorders?" Techno asked. "I-I don't know, sorry" Tommy said quietly. "Don't apologise, you don't need to do that, it's fine" Techno reassured him. "O-ok" Tommy sighed in relief. "My last one, are you actually ok because you've been quiet this whole time and you constantly look scared" Techno said. "I think so" Tommy whispered to himself. "You think so?" Techno said, hearing him, trying to get an answer. "Sorry, yes I'm f-fine" Tommy stuttered once again. "No apologising, remember that" Techno said as he got up. "Wait, how did you know, at the table" Tommy asked. "Because I'm the same, I don't like eating around people either so I often don't eat at all" Techno answered, saying a bit much accidentally. "Forget the last part" he quickly said with a slight bit of panic in his voice. "I won't tell" Tommy said. "Thanks" Techno smiled before leaving and closing the door behind him.

Tommy sighed in relief, happy that Techno could kind of understand him. He laid down, feeling his eye lids get heavier and heavier until he accidentally fell asleep.

He woke up, or he thought he woke up but except this didn't look real but did? "Hello?" He said confusedly. He sat up in his bed and looked around, something was off. "Techno?" He called out. "Wilbur?" He called out again, this time a little quieter. "P-Phil?" He said nervously as he slowly opened his door. Sudden arguing was heard from down the stairs, it sounded familiar. He slowly made his way down the stairs to see his parents fighting in the middle of the living room. "Mum? Dad?" He said confusedly as he sat on the stairs and watched. This seemed familiar as he watched his father raise his hand with a broken bottle in it.

"STOP" he yelled as he woke up in a cold sweat, hyperventilating as he looked around. Everything seemed normal, well, normal-er. He was shaking quite a bit as he heard a knock on his door. "Tina you ok mate?" It was Phil. "Y-yes, s-sorry" Tommy yelled back. "Ok, it's fine, breakfast will be ready in a moment" Phil said as he started walking away. *Breakfast? I really slept through the whole night?!* he thought as he sat up. He tried to yell for Phil to come back but he couldn't, he needed someone to calm him down. He has never succeeded with calming himself down so he had one of the caretakers at the orphanage help him, like Sam, but he wasn't there for him now. *What do I do. Think, THINK* he thought as his mind went blank, he didn't know what to do as he panicked in a cold sweat on his new bed.

Footsteps were heard outside his door as they went down the hallway and into Wilbur's and Technos room so he guessed they were Phil's footsteps. "Breakfast is ready if you want it" Phil's voice was heard as he walked down the stairs. "Hey Tina, you awake" Tommy heard as he hid in under the covers, still panicking from the nightmare, the memory. "Tina?" Techno said confusedly as he closed the door and quickly ran over to him. He then pulled the covers off Tommy and saw the mess he was in. "Hey hey, it's ok, look at me, everything's ok" he said calmly as he sat Tommy up straight and held his shaking hands gently.

"Everything's ok now, you're ok, you're safe, nothing can hurt you now I promise" he said slowly so everything went into Tommys head. Tommy nodded, still shaking a lot. "Can you breathe with me for a second" Techno asked with a small but comforting smile. Tommy looked at him in the eyes and nodded slowly. "Ok, close your eyes and listen out for my breathing then try and copy the pattern" Techno said slowly as he put Tommys hands next to him whilst still holding them to give a little bit of comfort. Tommy nodded as he closed his eyes and heard Techno breathing loudly as he slowly copied. "That's it, you're doing great" Techno said as they continued until Tommy was calm again.

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