"When are you going to use the dragon egg as an offering?" Harry asked after a long silence.

Barty stopped moving and looked at Harry with twinkling eyes. "December 21st seemed a suitable day to me, it is then the winter solstice. The significance of the winter solstice is twofold: it is the darkest point of the year and yet it is also the time when we begin our journey away from the long darkness after a slow, sometimes painful, but ultimately joyous return from the light. It is the moment when the Darkness is very strong, but life can grow easily... It is perfect for our first sacrifice."

Harry nodded slowly, realizing that this date was fast approaching. "What is expected of me?"

Barty waved his hand away. "You don't have to do anything, you just have to be present and have a drink."

"A drink?" Harry asked, looking through the pieces of parchment in front of him. "What should I drink?"

Barty grinned far too broadly for Harry's liking. "The life force of the little unborn dragon. You will have to drink some blood from each victim to bind yourself with the sacrifice - it's not much, just a mouthful is enough."

Harry grimaced and looked at Barty in disgust. "That's horrible!"

Barty just laughed and rose from his chair. "I don't know, little brother. You have picked up some striking characteristic of a snake, maybe you have also picked up some of their hunting and eating habits... you don't feel the urge to eat uncooked food, raw meat, or other sublimely different foods?"

Harry looked at Barty with a raised nose, his mouth twisted in disgust before his eyes took on a predatory glow. "I'm in the mood for something else..." he said breathlessly, stalking the jumpy man. He stuck his tongue in the air, fleetingly but clearly visible to Barty. He then put his tongue back in his mouth exaggeratedly, rested his tongue against his palate, and let out a blissful laugh. "Hmm, spicy with a large amount of dark magic, although I also taste a large amount of sweetness... What a wonderful bouquet! It tastes like a wonderfully smooth red wine, but with a spicy aftertaste - simply delicious!"

Harry licked his lips obscenely and ran his left hand over Barty's arm, traveling slowly down his shirt until he came to a patch of warm skin. He smacked softly, knowing Barty could hear him perfectly because they were so close together, then playfully pushed the man onto the armchair. With a growl he climbed over the man, his eyes wide open like prey, apparently incapable of moving and getting away from Harry's predatory movements.

"H-Harry! Little brother of mine, I was just kidding I-" Barty stammered uncomfortably, but was stopped by a finger of Harry pressing his lips from his incoherent bumbling.

"Shhh! Be quiet, big brother, don't be afraid!" Harry hissed with his head in Barty's neck. "I won't hurt you, I just want to taste."

Before Harry could taste Barty's skin, his ring heated up and he was flung away from Barty by an unseen force. Harry felt a huge wave of jealousy and anger wash over him and for a moment he wanted to take it out on Barty. After just a few seconds, this alien feeling had faded again and he started laughing at the sight of Barty's face.

"You- you didn't think I wanted to..." Harry started laughing. He involuntarily twirled his ring, which had left a burnt mark, and resolved to apply a little ointment to the irritated skin. "I was just teasing you!" said Harry with a mischievous grin.

"You should have seen your face, Barty! I really thought you were going to pee your pants!" Harry added, laughing. He was punished by a Stinging Hex to his rear, causing him to jump a bit in the air. Immediately retaliate Harry by tackling Barty with a spell when the man tried to grab him.

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