Chapter 25

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I can't stop shaking. Even when I'm in Kaden's arms, the fear doesn't disappear.

It was terrifying when those men suddenly started banging on the doors and yelling threats. I've never been in such situation.

"Did anyone get hurt?" Kaden asks seriously, still holding me against his chest. Being pressed so closely to him, I can hear his thundering heartbeat. I wonder if he's as scared as me or he's simply mad.

"No. They didn't get in." I hear Cindy behind me. She sounds... calm, actually. I wonder if it's the first time something like this has happened. "And I've already called the boss lady. She'll be here in a few minutes. She said to take those men to the basement."

"Right away." One of the men who came here with Kaden responds sternly then I hear some rustling as the intruders are dragged inside.

"Are you okay, little fairy?" Kaden turns to me, cupping my face gently. He looks really worried.

"I'm fine now. It was just... scary."

"I bet. - he sighs, leaning down to kiss my forehead - But you're safe now. They won't hurt you." He assures then tucks me into his side so he can face Simone and the other girls. "Simone, are you sure it's him?"

"As if I could forget that face. - she scoffs, her face marred with a furious scowl - It's him, I'm sure of it." So she wasn't shaking from fear but from anger...

"Okay. - Kaden nods, releasing me from his arms - Why don't you change into something else before my mom arrives?" He suggests, making me realize I still have just a bathrobe on. "As much as I enjoy the view, there are other men here." He smiles teasingly at me and I feel blood rush to my cheeks, warming them up to the point of burning.

The girls and I quickly retreat to the changing rooms and change back into our clothes before we go back to the lobby, where we find Mrs Knight talking to Cindy. Judging by the cold look on her face, she's not happy. Though I have to admit, she looks terrific in leather.

"How many of them are here?" She asks Cindy, her sweet persona long gone. She's mad and she's not afraid to show it.

"Twelve, including the fucktard." Cindy reveals, getting a nod from Mrs Knight before she turns to one of the mean-looking men behind Kaden.

"Duma, take their pictures and see if they're in the police database. I doubt they're innocent, but I want to be sure."

"Yes, ma'am." The man nods firmly.

"Girls, you okay?" Mrs Knight turns to us with a worried frown, looking us over as if checking for injuries.

"We're unharmed. They didn't manage to get in." Kalra informs her before I can.

"Good. - Mrs Knight seems satisfied with the answer and walks away towards the 'restricted area' - You're free to join me downstairs, if you want." She tosses over her shoulder before entering the dark room, with her husband and some of the guys following right behind her.

"Let's go." Simone tells us. Me too?

"You should come as well, Faye. - Evelyn notices I haven't moved from my spot - You should know what boss lady is like." She smirks. Is she referring to the whole 'criminal' aspect of the Knights' life she told me about?

I'm slightly scared of what I'll see if I join them, but at the same time I'm intrigued. I want to know. I need to know if I plan on being with Kaden... for longer.

When we enter the basement, I'm shocked to see how spacious it is. It's a big empty room with nothing but one armchair on a small platform - a throne for the queen. Mrs Knight looks so regal, powerful and menacing as she leans back in the expensive-looking armchair while the intruders kneel before her, tied up and helpless. Even Mr Knight isn't like he usually is and simply stands by his wife with a cold look on his face.

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