2 | Winds And Wills |

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       "I suppose you are deaf. I told you. Nothing can pass through my walls!" An upsurge broke out, causing both volt and fire to dissolve and the Blademaster to slip. Through the beautiful corroding fragments of the flames, a wind blast charged at Hiro and hurled him toward the incapacitated Kayne, ramming both boys against the granite wall with a thick thwack. Another whirlwind shot at the dazed Ryeld, bulling him off as he went flying into the flower beds. "How pitiful. I'm barely having any fun at all. You have great determination, but your power is just as frail as your resistance. You won't be lasting a minute if you were on an actual battlefield."

       Cringing in pain, Kayne rose supported by his sword.

       "There's no use trying to get through his defense with the uneven level of power." A stern voice spoke beside him. "Constantly getting pushed away won't get us near any advantage point."

       Kayne looked at the Nyrhaean who stood like an unshakable statue. "Any plans then?"

       Zakuro, whose undaunted eyes promised an unerring intent, nodded.


       The gust had not ceased to rampage. Across the pirouetting wave, the scraps of trees and shrubs lay unbudged in a windy circus play inside the grandiose.

       The stranger skimmed for the boys through the hazy screen that enveloped him to no avail. He was about to conclude his enemies had fled ... until a crackling hum erupted. Blue galvanic energy arched around his tornado. More electric lines resumed the end of the path of the bolts until a wall of volt encircled around him like a high voltage fence.

       "It's hopeless to keep on trying to get through. You'll reach your breaking point, eventually," the man said, flexing his hand to burst another wind when a spark set off, igniting sonorous blasts.

       Coughing, the stranger waved off the ashen smoke seething through his waned protection, dwindling into a thin screen of what wind remained in his tornado. "You're mistaken if you think that's going to get you to me!" He conjured another batch of windstorms. The revolving gust broadened once more into a stupendous whirlwind driven by wrathful currents that matched the zeal of its summoner, blowing away the smoke that suffocated its former power.

       Another rippling hum. The stranger hunted down its source, dimming out the blurry movement until he identified a speeding figure projecting electricity around him. Ryeld's hand stretched out, ridging strings of blue bolts produced from his palm. A sword carried him like a hover board.

       Then a cloud of fire plowed into electric walls, giving rise to a chain of explosions, boring black fumes of foul smell.

       Behind a bush hedge, Kayne swayed his arms. The sword followed suit under the Blademaster's graceful, undulating limbs, bearing Ryeld's weight with his sword.

       The tornado once again mustered its prior power. Kayne was now convinced. The enemy was repeating the same move. Furthermore, he cannot cast two attacks at the same time from what was shown in restoring his defense. With this said, they just have to imbalance the temperature.

       The brunette steered his arms, the weapon moving along pursued when an outburst of raging zephyr surged forth at him. He whisked an arm to call upon a broad shield, totally obliterating the approaching offense. His other arm wavered at the maneuver, causing the sword to shudder under Ryeld.

       "For a group of children, you're quite strong, but not good enough. Tell me, then, why risk your life for a girl whom I doubt you even know so much about?" the enemy inquired, either to taunt or satisfy his curiosity, or both.

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