Chapter 21: Winter Battle

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At Antarctica, 10 days after the battle of Tokyo, Kenshi (Wearing a snow jacket) & Batman (Wearing the Thrasher Batsuit) are walking ontop of a snowy hill while a snow storm happens as it didn't really bother them. When they both got ontop of the hill they both used binoculars & saw a spot where a Gillard Army's Company of Soldiers camped as they even see Garnet & Asim.

(While using binoculars) There it is Kenshi, (Puts the binoculars down) The camp where we'll be stationed.

>Kenshi Masaki:
(While using binoculars) I see it too. (Puts the binoculars down) And they have a Mecha prepare for me.

And so the 2 of them went to the camp as Garnet & Asim sees both Kenshi & Batman as they have arrived just in time as they waited for them. And so the 2 of them went to sit down with the rest of the troops as they all eat some hot food inside their MREs as they'll be in Antarctica for awhile. As Batman takes off his helmet he then eats his food with Kenshi as Garnet & Asim then tells them what they're gonna be facing.

>Asim Jamar:
About 2 days ago a Gillard Army Base here at Antarctica sent a distress call as they were met with some terrorists. And then suddenly the comms were then shutted down as we don't really know what kind of terrorist we're all facing.

>Garnet Maclaine:
And that's why we sent out forces here & called you aswell for as there might be a chance that our enemy will be using IS Units, Hundreds, Mechas, or even HHGs. But with your survival expertise & skills we might be able to surprise the enemy & attack them. And once we do attack we'll then be able to find out who leads them.

>Bruce Wayne:
And once we take them out we'll then arrest the leader responsible for these terrorist attacking.

>Kenshi Masaki:
Then where do you go 1st thing in the morning?

>Asim Jamar:
Thanks to this snow storm then we might be able to sneak in the terrorists' base from the back & then we'll take them out. However, it will be a 3 days travel so before we go we will have to conserve our resources & bring what we need.

>Bruce Wayne:
Don't worry Asim, my Thrasher Batsuit was built for this kind of situation so I think I'll be fine.

>Kenshi Masaki:
And I'll help out the troops pull the cart for my Mecha.

And so everyone agrees as they'll move 1st thing in the morning. And so they all took a long rest before the attack as it will be a cold battle. Bruce sleeps inside his tent while the Thrasher Batsuit is also inside his tent so that once somebody tries to steal it then he would wake up & beat the shit out of them. Before Bruce sleeps he then tries to think of what he & the military will be facing until he got a vision revealing what will happen if they ain't careful while also finding out who's leading the terrorists. And so Bruce thinks that if he warns them quick enough then they'll be able to live. In the next day everyone are finally prepared as well as Bruce as he puts on his suit. He then went to Garnet & Asim as he has something important to tell them. After telling them about what he saw they then understood as they now have to be wary of what's gonna happen. Only Garnet & Asim were the only ones informed so that way they can order the troops to be careful once they make it to some locations & rest stops. And so everyone moves as Kenshi & some other troops starts pulling the cart while the others walk their way with them. The walk was long as thanks to the snow storm they had some struggles but thankfully they had something to protect themselves from the cold, especially Batman. As they moved Batman then suddenly throws a Batarang as it caught something, or someone. And it reveals that there's an enemy scout & it's 1 of Lan's men. And so Garnet then gave the order for everyone to prepare for battle as thanks to Batman they were informed about an ambush so everyone were ordered to fire from different places as Lan's men were shot & some even tried to retaliate but were too late as Batman even fired his Dual Tranq Guns as he shot some of Lan's men to sleep while others were electrocuted by Taser Batarangs. Kenshi even kicked a tree which made an enemy sniper fall to the ground. And so the fight goes on as Batman threw an Explosive Batarang as it was able to hit a ronin's mecha as it destroyed the egg before the ronin could ever use it as now Lan's men were down for the count. After the battle Medics were able to patch the injured troops back up while Batman grabbed & tied some enemy survivors up so that way they can be arrested later on. So they were left in some icicles while they were all still unconscious as Batman even injected them with Tranq Syringes which can last 7 days. And so they kept moving as they just left the enemy survivors but luckily he knows that there won't be any predators that will come & attack them. And as they moved on they camped for the night as this whole thing goes on for atleast 2 days straight. As night begins Batman then sits down with the others as they all tell stories about their battles, experiences throughout the years, & even about themselves.

Bat & Iron Isekai: Suits Of War & Justice (Batman & Iron Man X Anime Crossover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें