Chapter 24: Grace Synclavia

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3 days after Thanksgiving Bruce & Tony were just sparring in the school's Arena 7 as Iron Man wears his Iron Destroyer Armor while Batman wears his Insider Suit as they both fought really well. Batman starts shooting heat vision lasers from its visors while Iron Man blocked them & then shot lasers out of his suit's wrist as the 2 of them traded laser after laser. And so Batman starts flying to Iron Man as they started fighting hand to hand as Iron Man forms an energy blade while Batman dodges & even blocks some slashes as Batman uses the speed force to dash at Iron Man & then hits him which knocks him back. The fight goes on as the 2 even traded blows from their fist until the victor was both of them as they ended up taking each other down. And so the fight was a draw. Meanwhile at the locker room Bruce & Tony were able to patch themselves up as Bruce realizes of how Tony has improved.

>Bruce Wayne:
To be honest your fighting skills have improved even more than I have imagined. It still far from my own but your doing a job anyways.

>Tony Stark:
Oh you know me, just doing everythinf I can to improve & once I do inprove then I'll kick your ass next time.

>Bruce Wayne:
I'm looking forward to that. (And so the 2 of them shook hands).

After they went outside the locker room class was then finally over as it's now 4:00 PM. Bruce & Tony then walks in the hallway & then they met up with Ichika & Hayato as they heard about their spar & Hayato won again. The 4 of them then started walking together as they talked about their improvements & lets just say Ichika is still as dense as fuck he is still the same as always. And then they all met Aine & Kizuna walking as they all talked about how they've been doing. And so they all talked to each other until Ichika's Harem butted in alongside Kizuna's Harem butted in aswell. And so they all had to talk then as it's too late to get the Harem out of the way (Because we already know why that is). And so they all joined in the conversation while the Kizuna's Harem just hugs him on each body parts as they all follow while Ichika's Harem does the same thing. And so now they all walk & talk as this goes on for several minutes until they an alarm sounded as there's another evacuation happening as an invasion will occur & it's none other than Texas. And so everyone went to the central control room as when they made it Chief Victoria told them of what's going on. And so Kizuna, Aine, & Tony are assigned to fight them off as there are atleast 2 leaders leading the invasion force. 1 was Ellen while the other was someone that looked familiar to Tony as Aine & Kizuna recognized who she is as she is none other than Grace Synclavia. Tony then told them why she looked familiar as Aine & Kizuna then told hum everything as now he hates Grace already after hearing the part where she is responsible for killing innocent civillians & made Earth suffer by sending her forces to Earth. (Now Tony is just as angry as me as to be honest I hate those who killed innocent civillians before & I will never forgive them even though they're either controlled as even if they do regret & atone for their sins it still wouldn't change anything for me). And so they're all given their orders as Shoukaku, Zuikaku, & Green Lantern are also on their way. And so they're all given orders to deploy as soon as possible. When they were all outside Tony then suits up in his Mystic Armor as he'll be facing Ellen considering that Ellen condemns Iron Man for killing Westcott. And so they flew & flew their way to Texas as they sped up but Iron Man was faster than the others. And so they finally made it to Texas as they see Shoukaku, Zuikaku, & Green Lantern fighting the invasion forces with some forces of their own as Green Lantern constructed his own Green Magi-Tech Robots as they're way different considering that they're all heavily armed with armor piercing guns. Meanwhile Ellen & Grace starts killing some ground troops as they both enjoyed it as they were so cruel that they didn't even spare no soldier as they're both cold as fuck. (Also, I hate both Ellen & Grace by the way). And then Grace saw Aine as she just flew & punched her really hard but Grace blocked it with a barrier until Kizuna arrived & saved a heavily injured soldier. Ellen was about to attack Kizuna but then she realizes that Iron Man is with them as Iron Man takes out enemy forces with ease as all he did was fire a few spell shots & missiles aswell as punching them & breaking them easily.

>Ellen Mathers:
(Looks at Grace) You take care of your sister your majesty, (Then looks at Iron Man) Iron Man is mine. (And then she flies fast as she charges to Iron Man).

And as Iron Man kept fighting FRIDAY then warned him of an incoming enemy as Iron Man was able to activate his energy shield from his left arm as he blocks Ellen's lightsaber causing the 2 of them in a lock.

>Ellen Mathers:
(Locks her blade to Iron Man's Shield) Iron Man! Today is the day you'll pay! For Ike! (She then breaks the lock by pushing Iron Man a bit).

And as Iron Man was pushed a bit he then kept moving as he fires some spell shots while Ellen either dodges or even blocks them as compare to Westcott she's more skilled in combat than he ever was. And so Iron Man & Ellen kept flying as Iron Man kept firing spell shots which are either blocked or even dodged but he decided to fire his missiles as when he did Ellen's territory was now offline but Ellen just kept moving as the 2 of them fought in melee as now Iron Man uses his fist blocking & even dodging some of Ellen's attacks while being able to land punches & kicks at her as Iron Man ended the fight with a Unibeam so powerful that it even destroyed some enemy forces caught in the blast. Ellen was now injured as she can't even fight anymore.

>Iron Man:
(While hovering in the sky) What's wrong Rey Palpatine? (Points his palm at Ellen) Had enough? Because it's better if you stay down or you'll regret it.

And then he notices that Kizuna & Aine are now tired as fuck as Grace is actually having fun on hurting Kizuna so that way she can take Aine back "home" to Vatlantis as she did attack Aine but doesn't really enjoy it. Atleast she blames Kizuna so she starts charging at them again until Iron Man suddenly showed up & uppercutted Grace's chin so hard that she was sent flying as Iron Man flew into the sky to fight her while asking some questions. When Iron Man does a jab Grace then blocks it with an energy shield as she talks to him.

>Grace Synclavia:
(With anger) Iron Man, you're in my way! (Then disables her shield & starts swinging).

And so she starts swinging & slashing at Iron Man but Iron Man was able to either block or dodge them as now they kept fighting & fighting while Iron Man speaks too.

>Iron Man:
(While firing spell shots & flying) So why did you attack this world?! Expansion?! Domination?! Or destruction?! Because whatever it is then you should've negotiated in this world to get your sister than make this world suffer even though this world did nothing to your world! That's right, she told me everything she knows so far!

>Grace Synclavia:
(While charging, slashing, & flying) You have no rights to tell me anything you pathetic Lemurian, you are nothing more than a weak man in an armor!

>Iron Man:
(While shooting spell shots & flying) Well atleast I'm a human who's a thousand times better than you are! And besides, even if I can't protect this world then I'll sure as hell avenge it!

And so the fight goes on as Grace even underestimates Iron Man as Iron Man now has the advantage as when Grace & Iron Man are on a lock Iron Man then fired a Unibeam at Grace which she didn't expect as this Unibeam was way more powerful than the 1 she shot on Ellen. And so Grace was even more injured in the battle. Iron Man landed to where she is & both Aine & Kizuna arrived to where Iron Man is.

>Iron Man:
(Prepares a Unibeam) I may have only met you but I had enough of your evil conquest! (He almost fires another Unibeam).

And then Kizuna touched his shoulder telling him to spare her & he didn't fire his Unibeam. He then got close to Grace as he kneels down in 1 knee as he says this.

>Iron Man:
This world once suffered because of your evil conquest, so I should be desyroying you... (Then stands up) But you're not worth it.

And then Ultron arrived as instead of fighting he was able to teleport Ellen & Grace away as he too just teleported away before the trio could even attack. And so Iron Man looks at the portal closing with an angry face as he opened his armor's faceplate revealig his anger. After the battle Aine, Kizuna, & Tony helped out in the aftermath as Aine & Kizuna goes to Tony as not only he isn't wearing his suit but he thinks that Grace is beyond redemption so he might need to kill her, Ellen, Vatlantis, & Ultron someday. And so he thought of some improvements right after he helps with the aftermath.

To Be Continued

Bat & Iron Isekai: Suits Of War & Justice (Batman & Iron Man X Anime Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now