Chapter 43: Kurumi Tokisaki

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Before the 3rd Wave ended Kurumi saw the whole battle as she then saw the ending as she then leaves but right after praising them as now she is excited to watch the next battle as if they have trouble then they'll get help from her if she wants to. Meanwhile back at the university everyone were celebrating as they've won the 3rd Wave as they may have some losses but they've already buried them hours ago as they also needed to move on for them. And so the whole celebration is going perfectly as they all have some fun as Shido & his Harem alongside the characters with their Harems were really close to their loved ones. Meanwhile Aldea, Grabel, Green Lantern, & War Machine then started telling each other their war stories as they all laugh aswell too.

>War Machine:
And so there I was, fighting, & then I lifted a tank, flew in top of the General's Palace, threw it in front of the General's feet, & then I said, "Boom, You looking for this?"

And so the trio laughed as they wondered what would happen if they see it in person.

>Green Lantern:
Trust me when I say that he's even done this multiple times & he even threw a Mecha Worker at a terrorist army crushing them while they were listening to a speech as me & War Machine just ended up interrupting their speech. And I bet the terrorist leader would've been embarrassed for destroying the speech or would've been grateful for stopping it because the leader might have been nervous. But either way we did it & it was an entrance that War Machine always loved.

And so they all laugh as they even told their stories & they were laughing to the core for such good & funny war stories that they've ever experienced. Meanwhile Batman & Iron Man were just minding their own business as Batman did a great job dealing with Steppenwolf as sure Batman killed him but he knows that he can't truct himself on when to stop. But Iron Man told him that he did what he had to do & was left with no choice as throughout the fight Batman never really wanted to kill but he had no choice. And then Batman had also been wondering as when he was piloting the Batwing out of the beam he saw Kurumi watching the battle as she then disappeared later on as he has some suspicions. And so Iron Man was also thinking in suspicion as they don't know why she was there as they think that she might either be working with Thanoseid or she was just sightseeing destruction. But either way they have no idea as for now all they can do is celebrate & then prepare for the next wave as it all won't be easy. 1 day later everyone starts preparing more defenses as they won't know when Batman's gonna have another prediction but it might happen in maybe a day or 2 as all they could do is prepare for now. And so they all kept on working as Iron Man & Green Lantern helped out in making turrets & stuff as they might be facing hell if another wave arrives. And as they do all of this Batman was also working as it's been 3 days since the attack & then Batman got another vision & it involves Kurumi as they're gonna need all the help they can get so he told the Commanders that an attack is coming but he didn't mention Kurumi as they might need to only focus preparing as the next attack will be taking place at Africa. And so everyone prepares their weapons & everything as War Machine is gonna be in space as he might need to use the Satellite Armor while the rest are in Africa as there's a reason why. And so they all wait as they didn't know why War Machine is the only 1 in space as they think that something bad might happen while others thinks that War Machine might be tasked into orbital bombing so that way he can help out from space. And as they were all prepared & waiting Kurumi then starts walking in front of them as she is unarmed as she doesn't look like a threat right now but some had some suspicions. Batman then told them why as he invited Kurumi for as she's needed. Iron Man & the others then asked Batman why but before he could answer a portal the opened as multiple Warships showed up. Meanwhile pass Earth's Exosphere War Machine then sees multiple Warships coming out of a big portal as he then reported to the others that he's gonna be occupied in space as he told them what he's facing. And so they all had no choice but to let Kurumi fight with them as War Machine's Satellite won't be available for the time being as they'll need all the help they can get as they all prepare for battle. And then Kurumi turned into her spirit form & then summoned her guns as she also summoned multiple clones of herself as they all will be facing a lot of enemy hostiles. And as the Warships arrived Thanoseid's subordinates which are Ebony Maw & the others arrived as they'll all be leading the attack as multiple alien monsters from Infinity War arrived as they all start charging as they're hungry for blood. And so the battle begins as everyone including Kurumi starts attacking as Batman will need to explain more once the battle is over as Iron Man also needs an explanation as Kurumi is dangerous (And she's also the best girl in Date-A-Live). And so some starts shooting while others starts slashing as Taros & Model 44 are seen firing multiple projectiles as they both fired every weapon they could use. Meanwhile Iron Man shoots repulsor blasts at every single monster in front of him as they were all also followed by other repulsor weapons but this time it's all magical thanks to him wearing his Iron Destroyer Armor while Batman fights in his Augmentation Suit. Meanwhile in Space War Machine shoots down multiple Warships at once as he's actually facing more Warships than the ones in Earth as he kept on firing & firing destroying 1 Warship after the other as he takes them out in 1 single shot. But this also proves difficult as he not only has to fire as fast as possible so that way the Warships won't deploy Starfighters but to also stop them from entering Earth but even when War Machine takes them out in 1 shots he is still getting hit by multiple enemy projectiles but is able to tank them at least. Back at Africa Kurumi's clones starts being genocidal as they've killed a lot of monsters aswell as the rest as they're lucky they're all getting help from Kurumi as Batman had predicted that if Kurumi arrives later than earlier then most characters would die. And so the fight gets heated as Iron Man & Kurumi fights Ebony Maw & the others.

>Iron Man:
(While flying) Kurumi, I'll take Squidward & the big guy you take care of the other 2.

>Kurumi Tokisaki:

And so they both went to fight as Iron Man fights off the big guy as the bug guy struggled for as Iron Man is wearing his Iron Destroyer Armor which was too much for the big guy as it even manipulated time. When Ebony Maw was about to intervene he was then met by Aldea as she wants to have some fun that's all. And so Aldea told Iron Man to help the rest because she's gonna have a lot of fun. And so Iron Man then flies off as he helps the rest. Kurumi on the other hand is fighting the other 2 as the guy even stabbed Kurumi & killed her... Or did he? And then another Kurumi showed up behind him shooting him in the back of his head as Kurumi then fights the other 1. As the battle gets heated shredder like vehicles appeared as the others had to find ways to destroy them as it even shredded through Gillard Army Troopers. And then Kizuna was able to punch 1 to pieces while Aine did the same but they both had to punch the sides. Even Shido & Kurumi destroyed 1 as they both worked together for it. And so the battle goes on & on until War Machine then rained hell on enemy ground & air forces as War Machine has finally did it but his Satellite Armor has some scratches. And so the battle was now in Iron Man & his allies' hands as War Machine finished just in time as now they're getting Orbital Assistance. And as this goes on enemy forces tried to retreat but they were all shot down by War Machine as Kurumi didn't let 1 live aswell. And so the battle was a victory as Kurumi instantly left. And so this is were Batman needs to explain right after the aftermath of the whole battle.

To Be Continued

Bat & Iron Isekai: Suits Of War & Justice (Batman & Iron Man X Anime Crossover)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt