Chapter 25: 1 Iron Man Army

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As weeks have passed so many were planning for Christmas as it's only just 2 more weeks before Christmas. Meanwhile Tony does some upgrades aa he adds some Carbonadium & Adamantine metal for some of Bruce, Tony, & Rhodey's suits, weapons, gears, etc as he added Adamantine on their strongest suits, weapons, gears, etc while Carbonadium is added on almost everything as Tony is working hard even though Christmas is coming. Meanwhile in a warehouse it was night at Tokyo as some Yakuzas were stealing something as it looks like weapons that might be able to help them as some are CR Units, IS Units, Hundreds, & HHG Cores as these things are important. Although it wasn't easy to get them as the warehouse itself was infected by some sort of gas so that way intruders won't be able to enter & break in but these Yakuzas wears some gas masks & other things to protect them from the gas. And as they load up the trucks they then see the Batwing flies by as Batman drops in wearing his Haz-Bat Suit as he lands & does his Bat Glare scaring a few Yakuzas. And then their leader gave the order to attack Batman as Batman is outgunned & outmanned but thankfully his Haz-Bat Suit increases his strength & durability as he started kicking some ass. He punched a few while others where caught in his Batarangs & other gadgets as Batman even broke guy's bone so hard that he was immobile until Batman punched him out cold. Batman fights while dodging gunfire & uses his gadgets to help him out. And now he was faced with the leader as he has a Hundred & trust me when I say he goes full body armor & has a Huge Ass Sword.

>Yakuza Leader:
It's over Batman, my Hundred will be able to kill you. Not only that but this Hundred's armor is almost unbreakable.

Then let's see if it can go up against Amazonian Steel?

And then the Batwing arrived as it moves automatically as it fired Flashpoint Batman's upgraded Amazonian Sword as it has Amazaonian Steel followed by Carbonadium, Adamantine, & Uru. And so Batman grabs his sword as he & the Yakuza Leader starts fighting like men as they both fought using their great sword skills & martial art skills as they both started slashing at each other while being able to block or even dodged some slashes as they kept fighting & fighting until they both went airbourne as they flew. Thanks to Batman's jetpack he could fly as now he & the Yakuza Leader were equally matched until Batman broke the Yakuza Leader's sword & broke the armor as his new sword can break armors as easy as cookies. And so Batman won the battle & then the police arrived as they then started arresting a lot of Yakuzas including the Yakuza Leader as thanks to Batman it made the police's job easier than ever (Also, the Police were wearig gas masks as thanks to Batman notifying them before Batman went to the warehouse to fight crime). And as the police starts arresting Yakuzas Batman was already gone as now he is seen brooding in top of Tokyo Tower as he looks around for more crime. And the coast is clear as the crime rate started dropping thanks to Batman. And so Batman went back into the mansion as he now takes his rest. In the next day everyone are seen exhausted as so many worked so hard that they all finally went to sleep afterwards. But Bruce & Tony on the other hand were still awake as they worked hard yes but atleast they got enough sleep. Hours later everyone got their energy back on as they set up so many things again as they work & work but this time with Bruce while Tony on the other hand has other plans. Tony was still thinking of how many of his new enemies are gonna be when they attack as with Ultron on their side the fight may be more dangerous than he had ever faced. And so Tony thinks of contengency plans of his own to prevent shit from happening as he remembered the day he formed The Illuminati. And after all of that he then decided to go to lunch with the others as now he needs a break after drawing some blueprints, designs, & schematics for his contengency plans. And then suddenly, an alarm sounded as this time the invasion will occur in Beijing, China. Meanwhile at Beijing the people are now evacuating as both the same old man selling hotdogs & the random guy which he keeps meeting are evacuating aswell.

>Author (Me):
(Complaining while running) Seriously, why can't these invaders wait after Christmas & New Years?!

>Stan Lee:
(Drives his truck & then sees him) Hey kid, hop on.

And so he was lucky to hop on as now they drove away to get to safety. Meanwhile at the university's central control room everyone were gathered as what they're facing are Magi-Tech Robots, DEM Robots, Ultron's Robots, Sirens, ETC. The ones leading them are Zelshione & her guards alongside Ellen, Observer, Autumn, & Alexis as they're leading the invasion force at Beijing. And so the commanders were going to assign those who would fight but they then realized that Tony was not in the central control room until they see Tony in his Endo-Sym Armor flying his way to Beijing really fast as he flew so fast that he made it. Then his comms started ringing but he didn't answer as just ignored the call & wanted to fight them on his own. And as the invasion forces started causing chaos Autumn was then shot by a powerful repulsor blast as it was none other than Iron Man as he has arrived to save the day. And so everyone started advancing as Iron Man did the same too but he 1st took out the Robots & Sirens & other enemy forces as he easily took them out as he even went Hulkbuster Mode killing off a lot until he then comes face to face against the leaders as he starts taking them all on by himself. Meanwhile at the central control room Commander Sakaki was gonna give an order until Bruce told them no as he knows Iron Man & he could take the leaders on all alone.

>Olga Breakchild:
He's right, my Logic is telling me that Iron Man will be able to take out the leaders all by himself. Chances are... 96%.

(Also, laugh on his name all you want because I have all ears. Also, who in the fucking hell has a family name Breakchild, like are they supposed to break children or what? Also, I'm already laughing at this point. Anyways, back to the story)

And so the fight goes on as Iron Man was not going easy on any 1 of them as his Endo-Sym was too much for them as Iron Man is able to easily take them out as Iron Man even sent Alexis flying & then Alexis landed somewhere far as he is now unable to fight but he'll live. And so everyone kept fighting Iron Man but it was all futile so to make things fair when he lets his Endo-Sym Armor go as now he's a defenseless man. None of them knows why but this made Autumn attack Iron Man but it was also futile as Iron Man is wearing his Virtual Armor as others then joined in but Iron Man couldn't even get knocked back as none of them could send him flying as Iron Man says this quote.

>Iron Man:
Oh ladies, still making suits out of metal? That's so outdated for a highly advanced race. I'm a futurist, & my Armor is made of an entire Universe, The eScape, Solid Holograms. It's only limit: My Imagination.

And so they kept on firing at him or even attacking him but none could even scratch his Armor until they all couldn't move as they all became immobile. Even theit remaining forces became immobile as Iron Man used his Extremis powers to hack into everyone.

What the?! What did you do to us you brat?!

>Iron Man:
What I did? Well let's just say I've diverted some power into hacking your suits. And besides, I've learned hacking in the 2nd Grade.

You can't keep us forever you know!

>Iron Man:
(Looks at Zelshione) Oh I know that. (Looks at the sky) FRIDAY, Fire the Hammer!

Meanwhile in space Sol's Hammer was somehow in space next to the sun as Sol's Hammer fired its laser as Iron Man made his Virtual Armor visible aa the laser gets closer.

What the?! You maniac!

And so the laser hits everyone as Iron Man & his Virtual Armor is still good but the others were not good but the leaders survived except for Zelshione's guards & their remaining forces as Iron Man defeated them all. When Alexis arrived he was now on his own as he attacks Iron Man but Iron Man activated his Iron Destroyer Armor, stopped time, punched & blasted Alexis multiple times, & then resumes time again as Alexis is badly injured now.

>Iron Man:
(Steps on Alexis' head) Tell your both Ultron & your Empresses a message. Tell then that I said that "If they don't leave this world alone, then something bad will happen to them." Do you get me?

And then Alexis suddenly teleported away alongside the others as Iron Man looks at the sky while everyone in the central control room watching were all amazed as the fight is quite amazing & also destructive too.

To Be Continued

Bat & Iron Isekai: Suits Of War & Justice (Batman & Iron Man X Anime Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now