|•Chapter 29:Kouyou Ozaki•|

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After that interaction you had with Mori the three
of you headed back to the Agency ready for a
task to assign to Kyoka. Since she was put under
you care along with Atsushi who was there
to help. "This arrived its for you. A stun gun."
Handing it to her already assuming she already
was taught how to use one in the Mafia. That
organisation expected for their force to be one
that was very versatile in the work field.

"The errand is simple, Atsushi will also accompany with you so that you'll be not so out numbered
if anything were to happen. Now just deliver
this file contained with evidence to the court
judge. It's a small request the President made
and the pay is decent."Explaining it to her
like it was a simple order. "It's fine. I'll
definitely succeed."She stated at least she
had full confidence on doing this. A good sign
for starters but also a bad one too. "You
seemed fired up. Is this you first job?"
Atsushi asked her oh great this answer was
going to for sure get you laughing on the ground.
"My first job was to infiltrate a building
and kill two people."She answered, trying not
to laugh at the awkwardness. Not because of
what she said but how straight up she was.


It was about thirty minutes later when you
received a phone call from Atsushi saying they
weren't allowed to deliver it without an permit.
Which for some reason you didn't get given
so heading over to the court building since
now you had to handle this. Standing outside
the building as a good idea came in mind
well maybe more of a devious one.
"Okay Kyoka go pick the lock, dress up as a
cleaner lady and sneak in or we won't have the
evidence delivered in time." Whispering as she
nodded doing what you told her.

"Is this really okay?"Atsushi asked as you looked
over at him strangely. "Yes and no."Answering
yes since it wasn't intended for anything bad
and no since you shouldn't be going around
and picking locks. "When your an ex assassin
you can always apply those skills in many
other areas in life too. So infiltration comes in
handy in situations such as these." Watching
her enter within minutes the building
power was soon down. Ignoring how he gave
you a look of how the hell did you know that.

"See impressive."Pointing out as he nodded
in agreement with you. Getting a phone call
from the Judge himself. "Oh hello."Answering it.
"Is this the Agency member the President assigned
a small girl who taser me!"He complained.
"Very much sorry but next time get better
ways for us to get in next time."Hanging up on
him not caring if he was hella piss the President
would handle the situation better than you
could ever in your life.


Sitting at the park as you handed the two of
them crepes not getting one for yourself since
you didn't crave one at all. "That was a mess,
Huh? The President handled it more calmly
than anyone could plus they're friends after
all so it's all good."Reassuring them with a smile
as Atsushi gave one back as for Kyoka she just
ate her crepe in peace. "Though seriously
Kyoka-chan your assassination skills..." He
trailed off before apologising.

"It went well until the power cut out."She said
"Did you really have to go that far though?"The
boy asked her as you laughed at which was
much needed after finding out she tased the
judge. She had some guts to her though,
"Well it's good to acquire some new skills,
for example..."Kyoka interrupted him.
"Venus fly trap?" "Maybe we should worry
about that later." Pushing that topic aside for
another day. "That cellphone you always have it
with you." Atsushi pointed out the phone she
wore around her neck with a rabbit accessory.
"A technician rewritten its program to not
receive any calls from the mafia anymore."
Kyoka explained as something didn't feel
right couldn't they just use someone outside
of the Mafia's phone or buy another phone?

"But it didn't leave good memories did it?"Atsushi
careful spoke not wanting to bring anything up.
"Its very important to me..."She murmured,
clutching the old flip phone tightly as you can
tell she was pondering on something.
"Well it's a possibility but if we solve the mystery
on your ability and use the demon that only
follows the voice from the phone to good use...
You can become a indispensable agent of the
Detective Agency..." He trailed off as the
idea wasn't bad. Though Atsushi was someone
who didn't fully understand how the Mafia
can completely ruin you.

"Absolutely not! Absolutely not that thing
must never..." She began to tremble as the
phone was ringing suddenly. The call accepting
without anyone pressing the anything.
"Oh Demon Snow, punish he who lured Kyoka
into the world of lies." A very familiar female
voice spoke from the other side it was Kouyou
Ozaki. Demon Snow followed her command as
the phantom stabbed Atsushi in the back who
fell limp onto the ground. "Blood of vermin
splattering, still a lovely sight to behold.
Wouldn't Okay you agree my beloved Kyoka
and Y/n." Snapping the phone close as she
stride her way over carrying her umbrella to
shade her from the sun. Looking youthful
as always, yet her looks can kill.

"Do I find you two in good health? My concern
for you two runs deep achingly in my heart
and yet..." Placing her heel on the back of
Atsushi's wounded back area, drawing you
blade as you knew the fight was going to be
difficult her sword skills and yours were
on par. And she did taught you everything you
knew, practically knowing how each other
wield a blade. "You elect to mingle with such
beast. But I am here to save you no need to
worry anymore." She smiled as you saw her
eye you carefully, waiting for you to strike.
"How..."Kyoka was stunned but she couldn't
just latch onto you for safety this time.

"Your phone by simply finding the technician
that was mentioned and forcing it out of him.
Nothing shall trouble either of you again I
will protect you from the light."

Too Stoic for him? Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ