|•Chapter 28:The Guild•|

Começar do início


You stood in front of the door as the meeting
had commenced, making sure no one in the
room especially the Guild members try to
attempt anything at all. "I'm very pleased to
meet you, President... Fukuna... Fukuda..."The
blonde man struggled to even pronounce
the President's name. Speaking very broken
Japanese. "Fukuzawa."The President corrected
him, surprise that he manage to keep his calm
"Yes, that's it. Come to think of it, I probably
shouldn't have left my helicopter on the road
should I? But I'm not really to blame since
this is the first time I've visited a company
with no helipad."The man chuckled, sitting
back against the lush couch with his one arm
propped up.

"Who are you anyway?"Asking him, even though
you were playing bodyguard in this situation it
was really more than just protecting the
President. But rather break the enemy in a way.
"Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald."He answered
well that's the most basic question out of the
way. "We'll you must be exhausted from
travelling from a far. How are we at service?"
The President asked as Naomi served
Fitzgerald tea. "Ooh, what a rare design and
here I try thought I was knowledgeable on
Chinaware. What brand is this? Royal Franco?
Or is it El Zelga."He asked, clearly just stalling
the situation by acting interested and trying
to humour everyone.

"It's from Shimomoura ceramic store next door." Naomi answered honestly, seeing his face
change to an 'oh'. Expecting the Agency to be
somewhat fancy. "How churlish of me.
Now you guys can call me Mr Fitzgerald
since my full name is too long. I have three
conglomerates and five hotels under my name.
As well as an airline and railway compan-"
"Mr Fitzgerald. Rumour has it that you had
coerced the Mafia into attacking us and even
offered them a bounty on one of our members.
Is this true?" The President interrupted him
which was good you hated listening to his
blabbering on about how rich and powerful
he was. This man was probably richer than
the Port Mafia combined.

"Ah that was just a miscalculation on my
part, Old Sport! I never expected the criminal
organisation of this country to be so incompetent,
as an apology I have come with a wonderful
business proposal." Clicking his finger as the
man beside him place a briefcase on the table.
"This agency is pretty nice, the low ceiling is a
bit of bother but the street view is excellent."
He opened up the briefcase revealing stacks
of money what on earth is this man smoking.
"I would like to acquire this agency, please don't
misunderstand I can buy any land and
companies within sight. I have no interest in
the staff of this company."He reassures with
a fake smile, trying to appear as if he was
convincing. Yet obliviously there was an
ulterior motive to his proposal.

"You mean..." Not liking where this was going
at all. "That's right, hand over your Ability
Business Permit, If an ability user corporation
wants to start a legal business in this country.
They must acquire an issue a permit from the
Ministry of Internal Affairs. But the stubborn
mules refute any sort of bribe, after all to the
public they're nonexistent. If I want to Browse
around the city without being on their
badside I'll need that permit..."He insisted on it.
Ahh, so that is what he wants. Establish more
of his power in Japan. If this were a small and
greedy organisation maybe we would accept it.
"I refuse."The President politely declined, he
worked hard for this company so why give
it up so easily now. It would be pointless.
"Are you sure? At least take this watch, limited
edition embellished with diamonds." Taking it
out of his hands as you crushed it with
your combat boots. Seeing the people he had
brought with him cringe a little. As you
lift it up there was nothing salvageable.

"Just as life cannot be bought with money. The
permit cannot be exchange for something else,
it's the very soul of the Agency. Filled with
the special departments expectations as well as
the aspirations of Natsume-sensei who
worked tirelessly to acquire the permit. It is not something that can easily be touched by
rich snobs that burry their head money."Closing
the brief case and throwing it right at him.
He had caught it perfectly img his hands.

"People like you sure like to boast but do all
you want if every single staff of the agency
disappears the agency no longer exists. Even
if your president changes his mind it'll be to late
by then." "I shall bare your advice in mind."
The president gestured you to go back by
the door. "Have a safe trip." Smiling at him
as Kenji went to see him out which you don't
know if you should've let him do that.
"Also I'll leave your message in tomorrow
morning's newspaper. You'd better read it
carefully, Old Sport! If it's what I want I will
get it!" He called out before entering the
elevator you wondered what he meant by that.
The only way to find out was for tomorrow to
come, hopefully it nothing dangerous.


"Hey have you read this morning's newspaper!"Kunikida barged into the office,
clearly he had rushed here with how disheveled
he had appeared. "It's on the news, so Y/n is
this what you think he meant?" Dazai asked
nodding as you continued to watch what else the reporter was saying. "We're at the crime scene
let's take a look! A seven storey building vanished
over night, according to resources the Port
Mafia front company was based in that building.
Of sources say it was used as a Port Mafia office
by the organisation's members. The city police
suspect an this attack to be perpetrated by an
enemy syndicate requesting help from the
military police." The woman explained, seeing
only a flat concrete left behind. It was a clear
warning that they could make more than just
a building disappear over night.

"Kenji can't be found anywhere either!"Tanizaki
pointed out as the kid was always in the office
early and there was no missions for anyone.
"The uncooperative Deetective Agency and
The Mafia are no longer use so he's going to tear
apart both organisations." Dazai murmured
as you agreed, the Mafia was unsuccessful to
be of aid and the Agency wasn't going to be
bought with money. Yet if he had the ability to
take a building then why not just take Atsushi
in the first place. He could've done so easily.
"Starting from now do not go out by yourself
pair up when going out. Atsushi and Tanizaki
go search for Kenji. Dazai, L/n and I have
a meeting with the President in the conference room."Kunikida ordered heading off with
Dazai to the conference room as he leaned
over. "Don't you think this we'll be easy to
crush them?"He asked, in your old Mafia days
you remember that Dazai , Chuuya, and you
could easily take organisations down. But
it was different now.

"With us two yes since we're able to work well
but we don't know all their capabilities since
there is nothing reported about them so for
now. I'll have to say no if it's the whole
Agency. Maybe if we worked with the Mafia
but I rather not." You tell him as he knew that
seeing Mori again would probably tick the
both of you off.

Too Stoic for him? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora