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"Oh god, why is Grey's always so emotional?" I said to Meredith who was laying in my lap, looking at me while tears fell down my face. It was Wednesday and I watched the Grey's Anatomy Marathon that was taking place every week. It was kind of my ritual when I was in New York, every Wednesday evening it's time for watching my favorite TV show.

While I was still watching, my phone began ringing and I was caught out of my thoughts. When I looked at the picture who was showing up I found myself smiling like an idiot. It was Karlie.

"Hey Tay, I bet you're at home aren't you? It's Wednesday so I'm pretty sure about that. Can I come over?"

"Yeah sure, always

"Okay I'll be at yours in 15, alright?"

"I'll be here, see you honey"

"See you in 15 baby"

'Baby'. I loved when Karlie called me like that. Sure I know she's one of those people who give nicknames to all of their friends but I don't know it always made me feel kind of special when she called me like that. Ridiculous I know.
'She's just your best friend Taylor, don't make any hopes just because of nicknames' I thought to myself. But it wasn't just the nicknames. It was the touching we always had, the way we felt asleep in each other's arms and just the whole connection and relationship between us. I never had that with anyone of my friends before. I honestly never had something like that with anyone before.

Once again a ringing caught me out of my thoughts. Now it was the door bell.

'I was lost in my thoughts for over 15 minutes but I'm pretty used to that when it comes to Karlie' I thought to myself while making my way to the door.

"Hello my love" smiling and saying while swinging the door open. But my smile fell off a second later when I looked in Karlie's face. Her eyes were swollen and red. Mascara was under her eyes. It was obvious she was crying

"Oh my god Kar, what happened" I said and took Karlie in a tight hug. I put my hands around her shoulders and she put her hands around my neck. I heard she was starting to cry again.

"Come in Karls, tell me what happened" I took one of her hand in mine and shut the door. I led her to the living room and shut the TV down. We sat on the couch and still held hands.

"Josh broke up with me" She finally said under tears while looking down on our embraced hands.

"No way! What? Why?" I was so shocked over the fact that her boyfriend broke up with her. The shock was a mix of sadness because of the way Karlie felt but also happiness because the girl of my dreams was finally single.

"He said, he has no time for our relationship anymore and his work is more important to him at the moment. I know we fell out of love long ago but he was still a very close person to me and we spent so much time together the past years. It's just so hard to see that everything's suddenly gone. He was one of my best friends" She said before she broke down in tears again.

I took her in a hug again and she nuzzled her head on my shoulder. We rested like that for a few minutes before I took her face in my hands and wiped the tears away.

"I know it's hard Karlie but like you said the love between you was long gone. Just because your relationship doesn't work anymore doesn't mean you can't remain friends after a some time. Of course it's always weird to say that exes can be friends but it can work and maybe it's better like that. You can find someone who will love you unconditionally and he can find his love in his work"

Karlie giggled because of that.

"I guess you're right" She said and looked at me. "I mean like you said we still can be friends and so he's not gone completely out of my life."

"See" I smiled and looked in Karlie's green eyes.

"You're the best Tay. But I bet you already know that." Karlie said while giving me a kiss on my cheek and giving me a hug.

"I kinda know but it's always nice to hear" I said whispering to her ear because she didn't let go of the hug.

Karlie giggled. When we finally let go of each other she looked for the remote and when she found it she turned on the TV.

"It's Wednesday babe and I know how much you love your doctors, so I think I'm gonna join you" Karlie turned on Grey's Anatomy again and put her arm around mine and I nuzzled my head on her shoulder.

"Thanks for being there Tay" She whispered to me.

"I always will be. You're my best friend Karls" I answered also whispering.

"And you're mine"

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you liked or disliked it in the comments!

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