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I woke up in the same position as I fell asleep. Karlie and I still held hands and our faces were still close next to each other. I always loved waking up next to her and I wished I could have that every day. But I shouldn't dream about that again, she's straight and clearly not interested in me. Ok, well she never said that she isn't but she also never said that she is. When I would be with a guy like I'm with Karlie I would definitely say that we both are very much interested in each other but with a girl? Aren't girls always acting like that when they're best friends? Though I'm not acting like that with my other best friends. No, the relationship between Lily, Lena, Sel and Martha was different. We never flirted in any way with each other and we never fell asleep holding hands or I never caught them staring at me while I'm changing clothes. But with Karlie I have all these things, like I caught her staring yesterday. I really had to force myself not to blush when I caught her staring at me as I took my shirt off but I saw her blushing and does that mean anything?

While I lay there thinking about how much I fell in love with the girl laying next to me the past months, she slowly woke up and opened her eyes.

"Good morning Tay. How long are you already awake?" She said in a sleepy voice and rubbing her eyes trying to wake up fully.

"Not that long, I just woke up too. Do you want me to make breakfast?"

"First I need to know what time it is" She rolled over and let go of my hands, taking her iPhone and suddenly jumped up from the bed when she read the time. "OMG Taylor it's already half past ten, I have to be at a photo shoot in an hour! I have to go I'm so sorry but we'll see us tomorrow night anyway right?" She shouted out while taking off her PJ's and putting her normal clothes on.

"Yeah sure, I hope Lena won't fail with the party tomorrow" I really tried to not sound so disappointed because Karlie already had to leave but I guess I failed at that and Karlie recognized my disappointment.

"We'll catch that up, I promise!" She said and got back onto the bed giving me a kiss on my forehead. "But now I'll have to leave. See you tomorrow Tay!"

"See you tomorrow Karlie" I forced a smile when she got out of my bedroom. But it fell off the second she was out the door and my mood got more down when I heard my apartment door shut.

'You'll see her tomorrow night again Taylor! Don't be so silly and miss her after a minute she is gone' I thought to myself. But I did miss her and I always did when she was gone even after such a short time. I finally got up out of my bed and made my way down the stairs into my kitchen where Meredith and Olivia already waited for me. When I wanted to give them their food I saw that someone already made that. 'God Karlie is such a sweetheart' I thought. 'She's so perfect and careful'. Karlie loved my cats. She always played with them when she was over and they really loved her too, something I really wondered about because they normally don't really keep up with someone else except me. But I guess it was just because Karlie was at my apartment more often than all of my other friends combined. When we both were in New York there was rarely a day we didn't spend together. We went to restaurants, clubs or stayed at each other's apartments and hung out. It never got boring with Karlie and we always had fun together. I don't know if there's anyone in the world who can make me laugh as much and as often as she does. 'God, what would I do her to make her my own' But that's a thought I should pack to the side and try to act as normal around her as possible. I don't think that's possible but at least I have to try. 'Or maybe I should make a step forward right?' That was the first time such a thought can't to my mind. Of course I can lose everything by confessing my endless love to her but I don't have to go that far right now. I could just tell her that I have feelings for her and maybe she says she likes me too.

"Tomorrow's the night Mer! Tomorrow at Lena's party I'll tell Karlie that she's more to me than just my best friend" I looked at Meredith and hoped for an answer what was honestly the most ridiculous thing ever. She looked at me for a second and then turned her head back to her food.

'Tomorrow's the night' I thought again to myself. 'I'll tell her tomorrow night' I spoke in my thoughts as confident as I could.

"But am I even that brave?" I spoke out loud to myself back to facing reality.

KAYLOR: LOVE IS LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now