Chapter 27 | Why Am I Related To That?

Start from the beginning

The last bell rings and I give up rushing, taking my sweet time. I'm already late, might as well walk.

I stop by my locker on my way, grabbing the books I need for my next two classes and make my way to English.

I get to class three minutes late, ignoring my teacher's disapproving glare.

So I'm late once, so what?

Dwight and Jake smirk at me as I walk in and I roll my eyes, secretly flipping them off as I walk past Alex's empty seat.

It's been about a month since I've seen him last. I guess after we said goodbye to each other, he went back to Amarillo and is living at home with his parents again.

It only took a few days to get over being sad over him. Like I've said before, I didn't love Alex, but I liked him a lot and he was my first heartbreak, so it was a rough few days. But with lots of ice cream and sad movies with Kara and Sierra later, I'm all better now.

The only thing that still sucks is Mason and Bridgett are still in my government class, but I'm getting pretty good at ignoring their stupid comments, and eventually they gave up pestering me.

Life is pretty much back to normal, well as normal as it was before Alex got to Bear Creek. Last weekend, Kara, Sierra, and I went to our 5 Seconds of Summer concert and it was probably one of the best nights of my life.

We were in the mosh pit, and I got to touch Calum Hood's hand, which made my entire life worth it. I considered never washing my hand again, but I guess that's unhygienic.

I'm jolted out of my thoughts when a ball of paper hits me in the head, causing me to look over at the culprit: my idiotic twin brother.

He looks away with a grin, trying to appear innocent. I scoff and grab my pencil, chucking it at him.

But, because the universe hates me, that's the exact moment our teacher decides to look over at us.

"Emma! Is there a problem?" She says, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, can you tell my brother to be any less annoying than he already is?" I ask sweetly.

She shifts her glare to Jake who just sits there, his jaw dropped.

"Jacob Richardson, this isn't your home. Annoy your sister anywhere that isn't my classroom!" She says, getting back to her lesson.

Jake glances over at me and glares, and I just give him an innocent smile. Dwight covers his mouth to hide his laugh as he shakes his head at us.

English continues without any more problems and as soon as the bell rings, I get up and follow Jake and Dwight out of the room.

"How are you always the teacher's pet?" Jake asks, scowling at me.

"You should know better man, it's been like this since elementary." Dwight scoffs, elbowing my brother slightly.

"I'm not a teacher's pet." I say, scowling at him back.

"Then what do you call what just happened?" Jake challenges.

"Justice Jake, justice." I say, placing my hand on my heart dramatically.

He just rolls his eyes before leaving to go to his class.

"See you later Em." Dwight says, going the opposite way.

I wave and walk into my next class, taking my seat next to Chase with a sigh.

"Good morning sunshine." Chase says, and I sigh.

"Why does school have to be so early?" I ask no one in particular.

"Because they purposely sought out to ruin your life." He informs me and I sigh heavily.

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