Coulson and Peggy enter through the door at the far wall. There is a boy with them ,I assume is Pietro. His hair is white and is disheveled and unkempt. Bucky leans against the wall watching Pietro carefully.

He dissapears only to reappear in a chair beside Bobbi."Hello,Agent Morse,"He leans over the chair,smiling broadly.

"Back up,Kid. She's taken."

"She's not saying anything,now is she."

"I'm taken."

"Mm. Sucks."

He disapers only to re-appear in another chair farther away from Bobbi.

"Cap'." He calls.

"Who is this kid?"I ask angrily.

"Quicksilver. Dr. Banner explained to you,what was that Bruce,two days ago?"

"This kid? You want to recruit him-"

"Despite his,"Coulson looks down at Pietro."Personality,he is still a talented young man-"

"Talented? I'm sure you have a better adjective for me,Agent Coulson."


"Oh whatever."

"What about his sister-"

"You'll watch how you talk about Wanda. But as far as I'm concerned she made her decision and I'm making mine."

"She's a much bigger threat to us than you are."

"I want in. I saved your girlfriend's life. The least you could do is give me a mission. See how I fit in with you guys."

"What about you're record. Arrested multiple times,worked for Magneto-"

"He was my dad,cut me some slack ok?"

"What about all that Pietro."

"C'mon,those are excuses. These people here,aren't exactly saints,Coulson. The one upstairs is an assassin-"

"Not anymore-"

"Yeah,whatever. Once an assassin always an assassin. Never heard that before ,Cap?"

"You're really getting on my nerves."

"What about, Agennt Carter here? She helped a fugitive-"

"He was falsely convicted-"

"And so am I. People are just afraid of the things I'm capable of-"

"As they should be."

"What are you trying to say,Bruce?"

"You and your sister are unlike anything I've ever seen."

"Look,I just want in on this. Wanda isn't a problem-"

"Once she finds out you're here,Pietro you can't assure us she won't become a problem."

"She's my sister. I know my sister."

"That doesn't mean anything."

"So you won't let me in because you're scared of my sister."

"We aren't saying that."

"Well you sure are giving me a hell of a time here,Coulson."

"What makes you want to join us Pietro?"

"I want a chance to do something good in my life. I've been on the run most of it-"

"Shouldn't be too hard,"Hunter mutters.

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