Chapter 6

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It has been a few days since I inspected all of the domains, yet I do not have any relevant information that will help me solve the issue at hand with these monsters.  This problem honestly looks like a blessing, but I feel like there's still something wrong with it. I continued reading the last book I had found inside the Wangshu Inn.

It feels horribly lonely without Aether. Not that I'm going to admit that aloud. I don't usually mind being left alone and it has been that way for thousands of years.

"Have you already found what you've been looking for, sir?" Verr Goldet said, appearing out of nowhere. "No, not yet." I said as she placed a small bowl of salad and Almond Tofu on my table.

"How about asking the traveler for help? After all, he has seen many things during his adventure. He may probably have an idea of what you are looking for." She suggested.

"No," I shook my head. "He already had accompanied me to get the information that I have. Fortunately, I know where to ask, other than the traveler." I took a bite of my salad.

"That's good, sir," Verr said. "Then, I must take my leave. If you need anything, I'm at the usual counter at the entrance." She bowed her head before closing the door upon leaving.

"These books doesn't help at all," but at least I tried. I stared at the pile of books sitting everywhere at my room. Perhaps I should call him out through the Qixing. I'll think of another plan while waiting incase he doesn't respond.

"You came," I said as I stood up from sitting at the platform of the statue of the seven. It was quite suprising, considering his little stunt to be proclaimed as deceased by his own nation.

"Of course. I wouldn't turn down someone's  call, especially a dear friend's. It seems like there has been something going on that requires my help, even though I do not hold the power of Morax anymore?" Zhongli said, his genuine care showing in his eyes.

The other adepti do not know Morax's staged death as they do not dare to directly socialize nor visit the harbor after the destruction of the Jade Chamber. If they do, they'll spot Zhongli easily as he usually walk around with a young girl, whom I believe takes the name of Hu Tao.

"Yes, I do need some information that I believe you can share. I need some clues about the dissapearances of the monsters inflicted by my Karma." And there I told him the issue and what I have seen in one of the domains. He nodded as he understand the situation.

"I see," he crosses his arms, his eyes staring intently to the harbor. "These kinds of voids are usually from the Abyss."


"Indeed." He said. "One common folk that we know about them are the Abyss Mages. They are considered as monsters like hilichurls, but they do have officials that governs their organization. They might have made an organization due to several reasons, but even I do not have any idea of what they truly desire. This mission that they want to accomplish might have something to do with the dissapearances of the monsters you are looking for." He suggested as he turned his head to me.

"This information is enough for me. Thank you, Mr. Zhongli," I bowed my head.

"No need for such formalities," he patted my head and motioned me to stand back up. "I am glad to be of help. I also appreciate that you've seem to accept that I habe already given up of what I was before."

"We all get tired at some point. Either way, what you have done has turned the people of Liyue to be independent instead of them giving all of what they have to us, only to ask miracles." We sighed in unison.

"Well then, I must say farewell. And oh," he took something in his pocket and gave it to me. Painkillers. "Take good care of yourself. Is that clear?" I nodded. He smiled and we both said our goodbyes.

"Well then," I thought aloud as I started walking back to the inn. "Abyss Mages are common creatures lurking around. However, I do not have any idea where they could've been staying at...." I munched at the gummy bear painkillers Zhongli gave to me. This can be a snack; he gave me a huge jar compared to the last one he sent 2 months ago, after all.

Wait. During my domain inspection with Aether, we have encountered some domains where Abyss Mages can be seen. That should be enough for me to start.

"This looks...edible." I picked some berries even though I don't actually need it. It just reminds me of the color of Aether's eyes. Should I hunt some meat too? I can ask for a dish with the ingredients I gathered.

I forgot to ask what's Aether's favorite dish.

Either way, I started hunting for meat. As I was taking in the meat inside my inventory, I heard a woman yelled just a few hundred meters across. "Where are all the berries!?" She shrieked.


Anyway,  I picked some radishes as well before heading to the source of the sound. I sat down on a sturdy tree branch before initiating the talk. "looking for berries?" I asked.

It took a while before finding me. She sighed in frustration qhile keeping her distance. "Ah, hello there." She said. "Let me introduce myself first; I am Lhianne." She bowed her head as I nodded." I need the berries as we're running out of yellow dye for my business. However, I haven't seen a single one despite hours of walking around."

"Oh. Actually, I have found some berries not too far from here. I can give everything that I have collected to you if you need it that bad. Either way, I do not need them that much," I offered.

"Really? Thank you!" She beamed, a tear visible in her eye. I went down and placed the berries under the tree. "Goodbye," I said before leaving.

"Wait, good sir, I want to give you something as a token of my gratitude to you!" Her voice faded as I ran away from the plains back to the inn.

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