Chapter 3

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"What brings you here, Xiao?" I asked.

Of course, we can't just ignore each other or say hi and enter the domain like something did happen yesterday and it bothers me too much-which, to be honest, actually bothers me a lot.

Let's act like it doesn't affect me at all. Either way........

"There has been unusual events going on and I thought that the domains of Liyue are somehow connected to it. However, I do not have any information about the domains-what are the possible monsters it has or the elements the domain holds at the least. I can't visit the harbor for information, either. So-"

"I can help you!" I cut him off. "I know the domains around this area, and we can check some together as well........oh sorry." It was too late when I realized I had been disrespectful. He turned around and faced me, his face plain as usual. "Don't worry about it, I don't long as it helps," he said turning his gaze to anything but me. "So, when do we start? I have heard that your guide is hungry." I looked at Paimon, her face distorted with 'what?'.

I sighed. "She's always hungry. Unfortunately, right now, I am too." I set up my teapot in a hidden place before turning toward Xiao. "Oh, if you don't mind, we'll be stopping by to my abode for a bit to eat. Is that okay?" He nodded and together, we all went in to my teapot.

"You have a your teapot?" Xiao asked in slight awe. After all, I made my space as homey as possible, unlike the other usual dimensions.

"Yes, Everyone needs a comfortable place to stay on and this is the most comfortable I can manage...." I cleared my throat before continuing. "So, let's go in. I'll cook something for you as well." Paimon flew inside, 'weeeeeeee' sounds echoing the empty halls. "Such unfamiliar interior," Xiao mused. "Perhaps these designs are from Mondstat?"

" was the first city I've ever visited since I came to Teyvat so living here somehow made me feel at home." I answered as I lead him to the dining area. He sat down to one of the chairs, still facing me when I gathered the ingredients needed. Paimon's food first, I thought as I get the crab from the storage.

"......don't you like Liyue?" He asked softly.

"It's not like I don't like it, it's just that they both have distinct qualities, like how the Mondstat is the city of freedom, Liyue being the land of contracts and Inazuma being the city of eternity. I like how Mondstat feels lively and homey and Liyue having a peaceful environment; a good spot for soul searching and gathering thoughts, I guess." I said too much, but I hope he gets my point. Actually, I hope he's not dissapointed in my answer considering he's the protector of Liyue. I bit my lip, waiting for a response.

"Hm." Is the only thing I heard. I was finishing Paimon's dish when I turned my head a bit to see Xiao. He was just staring at one of the windows.

"Here Paimon, I got you some Golden Crab," she stopped midflight and took the crab from me. She placed it on the table. "I think Paimon will get a tummy ache with too much crab. How about we share a meal, Aether?" She suggested. Xiao's head turned to me, his eyes a bit wide.

"Sounds good, I'll just make a side dish, then." I said as I grab some ingredients for the Jewelry Soup.

It was so silent that I have finished all of the meals in no time.

"Yay!" Paimon beamed as she took a piece of the crab and munched it. I wasn't even sitting yet. Xiao only looked at Paimon with his usualy plain expression.

"Here," I offered him a good amount of Almond Tofu. "I bet you're hungry as well." I said.

"Not really, but thank you....." He grabbed a spoon and ate. I sat across him, taking my part of crab and soup. We were silent as we eat our meal. Either I silently stare at him or I feel his eyes staring intently at me as I eat. Nevertheless, Paimon's talkative personality breaks the ice.

"So, Xiao...." she started. "Since we're going to solve this issue of yours after we eat, how about telling us the details of your problem first?"

Xiao took another bite of tofu before answering. "Okay, then." He put the spoon down. "There has been unusual amount of monsters that are inflicted by Karma lately that it's quite concerning." Xiao explained.

"Oh, is it too many? Don't worry about it, we can help you eliminate them with ease!" Paimon flexed.

"No, it's not that.....there are just a few of them."

"A few?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, I have patroled Liyue already yet there are no signs of monsters with Karma, except from the woman I have encountered using an unknown substance to gather monsters.... I have thought that the monsters have possibly took shelter in some domains, like that time when you were helping me with the trouble the fake yaksha had caused. I am still looking for a better way to identify the monsters I am looking for without actually fighting the normal ones. If I do fight the normal ones, even with you, it will take us days before finishing all of the domains." I nodded. It will be truly a workload if we finish every domain just to look for certain monsters. If worse comes to worst, if we didn't find any after all of that effort, it will be a waste of time.

"Are they attracted to a certain energy or substance?" I asked.

"No, they are usually just wandering around." He took another bite of his tofu.

"Okay, then. I have a suggestion," I drank water before continuing."Domains can actually be open for a bit before monsters come out. How about opening the doors of each of the domain first and we'll let you sense if there are any monsters inflicted by the Karma? If ever monsters come to us sooner than we expect, I'll annihilate them so you can focus on looking for the monsters." I proposed.

"Sounds good to Paimon," Paimon agreed.

Xiao sighed, his expression unchanged. "Well then, let's do that. It's probably early in the afternoon when we exit the teapot now, that will be a plenty of time already." Paimon and I both nodded.

As we finished our meal and exit the teapot, Paimon flew next to me while Xiao was a bit away. "Paimon thinks she's a bit of a disturbance between you two," she smirked.

"Really, Paimon?" I raised a brow before following Xiao. Sometimes I really can't understand what's going on inside her head.

To Bask in a Ray of Sunlight: a XiaoAether fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now