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The singing voices of Miss Spink and Miss Forcible beckoned from the house. It was time to head back and Sam knew which wonder he had to battle next. He tucked the first ghost eye safely into his backpack and crossed the yard towards the stairs leading down to the basement apartment. When he got there the doorway was still bright with show lights and their voices still called like sirens out on the ocean.

Two nights ago, this scene was fun and welcoming. Now it was silent, eerie, and ominous. And now it was his only way out. He descended the staircase and entered the theatre. Sam pushed aside the curtains and peered inside, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the dark. There were no dogs and no crazy performing neighbors. Not one soul in sight. On floor lay a flashlight just waiting for him.

Sam picked it up and flicked it on to make sure it was working. It immediately emanated light and helped him find his way down the aisle. As he walked along, Sam heard scuffling in the rafters. He looked up and pointed the flashlight up towards the sound. There was a colony of sleeping bats, hanging from the rafters. One opened its wings and hissed at him as if to say 'turn that light out'. That's when Sam realized they weren't bats. They were the dogs with bats wings. He turned the light off and the one dog folded its wings back around itself.

A spotlight shot on behind him. Sam turned toward the stage to find a giant candy wrapper hanging from the ceiling. He climbed up onto the stage determined to get the next ghost eye. With that thought in mind, he pulled out the stone and peered through the hole again. He searched the interior of the candy wrapper for the next glowing orb. It was exactly where he suspected. Inside the wrapper. Only this time it was glowing blue and seemed to be enveloped by a pair of hands.

Sam put away the stone and tore through the wrapper, reaching for the spot he was sure the stone was in. He then pulled out the pair of hands. They appeared to be from two different bodies and were clasped together over the ghost eye, but from the wrists down the arms were twisted around each other. Sam pried the finger apart and began to pull the pearl ring that contained the ghost eye off of one of the fingers.

The hands snapped back together over Sam's hand and pulled him towards the giant candy wrapper. The morphed faces of the fake Miss Spink and Miss Forcible popped out from the tear in the wrapper, screeching. Sam tried to pull away, but his hand was still caught.

"Give it back!" they screeched. "Thief! Thief!" This was one game of tug-of-war Sam did not want to lose. With his free hand, he fished for the flashlight in his backpack. Once he got a hold of it, he switched it on and flickered the light at the sleeping bat-dogs. They were disturbed, but only slightly. Sam grunted with frustration. The sirens were winning the tug-of-war and he needed them to swarm. He finally threw the flashlight up at them. This angered the colony and they swooped down from the ceiling for the attack.

They went straight for the heads of the sirens and bit at their wigs. Almost instantly, the scene in front of Sam turned into that same pale and wrinkly paper mache that the garden had turned into when he got the first ghost eye. He pulled out of the grasp of the hands and took the pearl ring with him. It glowed a calming blue.

"Hurry on Sam!" the ghost girl called out from the pearl. "Her web is unwinding!" He tucked the ghost eye safely into his backpack with the other one. 

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