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Later that night, Sam left some cheese by his bedroom door for the jumping mice. He was going to follow it back through the door and figure out what was really going on once and for all. He wanted to be sure that what he saw the night before wasn't just a lucid dream. He climbed back up on the cot and into his sleeping bag as if her were about to go to sleep for the night, but he watched the cheese by the door vigilantly. It wasn't long before he heard the squeaking of the mice.

Sam tilted his head to get a better view of the cheese in the doorway and was able to see at least two mice collecting the cheese and already starting to hop away. He quickly jumped out of bed and started to follow them as closely as he possibly could. Down the stairs, down the hall, across the living room. He slid into the archway just in time to see them squeeze through the crack of the little door. Sam raced across the room and pulled it open to see the tunnel from the night before leading to the other house.

Three jumping mice were bouncing their way across the tunnel and through the door on the other side. Sam took in the moment, feeling validated that the world on the other side of this tunnel was real and this was not a lucid dream. He didn't even close his eyes to go to sleep. He considered for a moment going to wake up Dean, but he didn't want to take the chance of the other world disappearing. So he began to crawl through the tunnel.

The living room was the same way he found it last time. Still normal, but slightly different. He could hear the other mother humming from the kitchen. Sam followed the voice and the smell of whatever she was cooking this time. He stepped into the kitchen to see her standing over the stove. The table was set again. A bowl of breakfast pastries at the center and a pitcher of orange juice next to it. The other mother turned her head to see Same enter.

"Welcome back, darling," she cooed. Sam walked closer, still unsettled that she resembled his dead mother aside from the eyes. He waved nervously. "So thoughtful of you to send this nice cheddar, Sam." She grated the cheese over the frying pan. As it turned out the jumping mice didn't eat it. They delivered it to the other mother. She turned to Sam.

"Would you go fetch your father?" she requested. "I bet he's hungry as a pumpkin by now." Sam took a moment to translate in his head.

"You mean, my other father?" he inquired.

"Your better father, dear," she corrected. "He's out in the garden." The other mother gestured to the window that Sam remembered has a view of the garden in the back. Or the remains of what used to be a garden.

"But, my dad doesn't garden," Sam tried to debate. The other mother shushed him as she reached for a strawberry in a nearby bowl and put it in Sam's mouth. He didn't really want it at first, but once he tasted it, it was the best strawberry he ever tasted.

"Go on!" the other mother encouraged. She nudged him toward the door. Sam finished the strawberry and headed out to the garden.

At first glance, the garden did look better than the original one. Even under the night sky he could tell. He walked up to the iron gate and was able to open it much easier. As he crossed the threshold, the two trees on either side of the garden bloomed and seemed to even glow. A small flock of hummingbirds hovered over his head. Sam watched the garden come to life as he walked through it. Flowers blooming, plants becoming bioluminescent, vines growing rapidly across the path.

He finally came across the other father riding a machine that looked like a giant praying mantis. It was the goofiest thing Sam had ever seen because the creature resembled John almost exactly, but dad would never be seen riding such a contraption, gardening, or any other domestic activity. The other father waved when he noticed Sam had entered the scene. Sam awkwardly waved back.

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