"You sure did!" I agreed.

"Most impressively, at that," Madam M added. "Now, Lydia, there's a washroom with supplies near the end of the hall. I'll need you to grab towels, a few cloths, ice, and some water."

I gave Jessie's hand a little squeeze, then hurried off to get what we needed to take care of her. It didn't take long—the washroom was right where Madam M had said it was, and it was well-stocked, probably for the fighters to see to their injuries and clean up between matches. I saw a little cart sitting nearby and quickly got everything together. Then, as I wheeled it out with all the stuff on it, I saw the gatekeeper walking up the hall with a handful of bottles and vials.

When we got back to the waiting room, Madam M had me put the cart where we could both reach it as we sat on either side of Jessie. And while I took one of the cloths, wet it, and started cleaning the blood off and dabbing at some of her bruises, Madam M wrapped another cloth in ice, then gave it to Jessie to use as a compress. At the same time, the gatekeeper set his stuff down on the table, then sorted through it, took one of those stronger potions, and opened it.

"Better?" Madam M asked.

Jessie sighed in relief and nodded as she held the cold cloth against her shoulder. "Oh, yeah... feels good. But you guys really don't have to do all this. I can take care of myself."

Madam M chuckled and shook her head as she and I continued to clean Jessie's injuries. "I'm sure you can, but not right now. We'll handle this, Jessie. So just rest. You've earned it."

"Guess I've got no choice," she laughed, wincing as she did.

"Not at all," I grinned.

The gatekeeper held out the potion. "Here."

"Thanks," Jessie said, taking it and drinking it down in a few gulps. "Never did get your name, by the way."

"It's Wyatt," he told her. "What about yours?"

She smiled. "Jessie."

He tipped his hat to her. "It's good to meet you, Jessie. Don't worry, alright? We're gonna get you all fixed up."

"You too, Wyatt," Jessie nodded. "And thanks again."

"Not a problem!" he gushed.

Looked like she'd gotten herself another admirer. I could tell Wyatt was into her, and she probably could, too, but I just focused on treating her injuries and decided not worry about it. Madam M kept quiet, too, but I was sure she'd seen it as well. The poor guy wasn't really trying to hide it. But Jessie was way outta his league. Not to mention crazy about Cloud. It was so cute, and I was glad she had someone special like that. I knew she'd at least let Wyatt down easy, though.

Then I thought of something. "Hey, Jessie. Do you feel up to using that Restore materia of yours? It might help."

"Yeah, it definitely would," she agreed. "But I used up all my energy and ethers fighting that thing. No more magic for me until I get a good night's sleep and restock my supplies."

I smiled. "That's okay. We'll take care of you."

She took my hand for a moment. "Thanks, Lydia. I appreciate you coming down here to help me out."

"You were there for me when I was hurt," I said. "So I'm glad I can do the same for you, Jessie. You... you've helped us all so much, helped me. Now it's my turn to be there for you."

"Then I'm in good hands," Jessie grinned.

Along with helping me clean Jessie's injuries, Madam M massaged her arms and legs a little where they were hurt to help them feel better and loosen them up some. Between that, the ice pack, and the potions and aspirin that Wyatt had brought from the vending machine, we got her fixed up pretty good and feeling a lot better. And soon enough, she was looking and sounding as great as ever.

Final Fantasy VII: Lifestream - Book 2: AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now