Is it a fight or a war pt.2

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"it's fun to seeing her like this did she get to that situation..." he let out an amused hum driving off whilst you walked in and the butler greeting you. The light sounds of your steps as you called out Tetsuo's name "Dad I'm back! and I need to tell you something" the butler walked beside you in the large hallway
"master is in his study shall I lead the way?" You stopped for a moment lost in thoughts then shook your head waving your hand at him "it's fine I'll go by myself" As you walked through the large empty hallways you finally reached his study and knocked the door but there's no any response which is unusual"it's so exhausting to walk with short legs-huh!! Why is he not answering" You slowly opened the door to see him on his desk sleeping and sighted in relief "that scared me for a second..." You walked up to him and shook him gently but he jolted up in cold sweat and was breathing heavily that it even startled you

"y/n? is that you-haaahhhh......You're ok that's good to know" He hugged you which made you freeze for a moment then hugged him back in confusion "did you get a nightmare?" He shut his eyes tightly from the sudden wave of fatigue washing over "it's just a bad dream...let's go wash up it's late already" You smiled while holding his hand walking towards his bedroom. Tetsuo called for your nanny before going to change into his nightwear

You layed down on the wide bed knowing well why you're having a sleepover with Tetsuo.he practically raised you twice. The door opened startling you, but what even left you flabbergasted was Tetsuo. He has his hair down and is wearing an expensive looking robe with his abs peaking out "...m-my father!..I never realized it before but he's a total hunk!...I bet he gets chicks as easy as breathing" you looked away feeling a bit awkward. This was the first time you've seen him you feel like it's wrong to.The next morning you woke up fresh as a daisy. Your long silver hair disheveled and your droopy golden eyes fluttered trying to clear out your blurred hazy vision.
Tetsuo was already up wearing his reading glasses as he did some paperwork on bed  "dad?..." a big yawn escaped your lips as you stretched yourself and got out of bed. before you could leave he spoke which mad you freeze the tstopping you "it's almost time, we should get prepared, y/n"

"yes only 2 days until then.sure but we gotta stop by the shinju manor I...I have some business left in there" He nodded while you got out to change. Conan and the rest were waiting for you outside
"y/n!! I was just about to call you" ayumi waved while running to hug me. You hugged her back then looked at the rest of the group "good morning y/n" a hint of blush spreading though haibara's cheeks as she greeted you"oh that's unexpected. Good morning haibara" While walking the three kids stopped to look at the special edition kamen yaiba cards through the shop's window  "Conan can you do me a quick favor it's a bit of a burden, but...I think haibara needs to speak about something" you took a step closer to Conan "what is it??" You handed him a black credit card "this is my dads card if you can tell them a riddle and they answer it right please get it for each of them" You whispered the card password and he walked to haibara "now why don't we continue walking to school you can speak freely to me you know " She hesitated at first then blurted out some words
"your dangerous y/ have a dangerous scent as well" She said in a distressed manner then looked up to you to see your face in complete shock and slight confusion. You took a step back astounded 

"I have a scent is it bad...Do I really stink! And why dangerous?" you tugged onto your clothes trying to sniff what smell she's talking about "why does she misunderstand the stupid part...I mean you have the scent of the organization that's why I said you're dangerous" you sheepishly chuckled in relief nodding "is that why she got scared last time. I see I did get mixed up with them a few times..." She sighted and continued walking with you "so you're no threat to either me or Conan or our past selves right??"  The immense bloodlust ominously flooding the air. Your cold gaze piercing hers"you have no reason to be so paranoid but if I was my past self as well as you were...I would probably think otherwise" her breath hitched unable to hide the fear in her eyes "w-what do you mean?" You reverted back to your usual expression brushing it of with a chuckle "too much?...its fine as long as your ok. I tend to leave the past and focus on the future" She smiled facing the ground

"you should wear that smile more, you look pretty in it... let's go now since we arrived a bit early why don't we talk normally as friends should do...I heard you like a certain football player?" she blushed nodding in excitement as you bursted out laughing "sure let's go drop our bags then we can go walk in school" Right after class has ended Conan handed you your bank card and the flash memory
"Thank you for letting me borrow the flash and here is your card" you hate to leave since you can't waste time "guys I gotta leave my dad is waiting for me back home" you hurried off waving goodbye to the kids  "she really loves her father doesn't she"

"bye-bye" She waved while you enters the car and drove away "I gotta contact shuichi about the plan" you called for shuichi and after two rings he answered

"Yes? y/n how could I help you" you tightened your grip on the phone shaking

"That felt like a low blow...why do you make it sound like I always call you just for requests...or are you expecting something else?" A moment of silence filled the air as you waited for a response

"Stirring trouble must be her middle name...I guess your probably wanting to talk about the plan"

"tch he is right about that. Ahem! you are right we are going with the second one"

"isn't it more risky that the first one"

"it is but the chance of failure is low"

"Ok I got it goodbye, y/n" the moment he called your name your heart strange and your stomach was ticklish, the feeling of  your cheeks getting warmer "he is acting a bit weird, and why is my heart beating so fast. GoodBye, shuichi"
You ended the call while entering your house shaking those weird thoughts away
"Is this to get back at me...well to be fair I also call her by her first name before...what do I do with you" he sighted shaking his head with a small smile. Meanwhile you were trying to keep yourself busy "let's do my homework then go to train, using a gun with this body is without a doubt dangerous but what to do if not. nanny please prepare my training clothes"

"yes miss and would you like to have some cookies after? Master bought them for you" you raised a brow then your gaze softened nodding "he worries a lot when I don't eat. Sure just leave them here" you pointed at the coffee table

2days later

"Welcome to the dream park it's a place where excitement is filled in kids heart and a place where even adults smile"

"today's is the day. Everything looks fun!" you the kids and Tetsuo where standing near the entrance in excitement of the festive spirit surrounding you all "So what do you kids wanna do first?" They all pointed in different directions wanting to try everything "I'm not sure should we look around first" you suggested looking at everyone then at Conan
"by the way where is mr.mori and ran?" Conan tapped his chin trying to guess there exact whereabouts "there probably sitting at the cafe inside the mall"you quickly turned back at Tetsuo concerned
"Dad, did you put people near them?"

"Don't worry...Jodie is sitting with them and camel is watching from afar" you let out a hum smiling then Conan stepped in to speak "what about akai is he coming??" You shrugged at Conan not sure how to answer "I did send him a text today he did reply but it was so vague. Mainly, Yes he is joining us but probably not right now, So why don't enjoy ourselves" you shrugged at them calmly "Just how she's is so calm when who's after her is a crazy she hiding something?"


A Never ending curse   akaiXreaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat