Is it a fight or a war

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A few weeks later you went to professor agasa to find Conan. He wasn't with the kids nor was he at home so the only place left was the professor's "hey professor have you seen where Conan is?" He shook his head which surprised you. You really thought he would be there "he didn't come here today did you try calling him?" You nodded starting to get uneasy just as you were about to call him again you remembered something "wait! there is on last place to go...thanks professor " You rushed outside rushing to Conan's house. You rang the bell until a tall handsome man with pink hair answered with a gentle smile "what with this guy... seems familiar?. Hello mister I've been informed Conan is here" you peaked behind him then looked at him with an innocent smile. A little lie won't do harm

Just before he was about to speak Conan stepped out after hearing his name getting called out "y/n? is there something you need" you smirked rambling through your pockets nodding "actually it's something you need" you pulled out a teddy bear flash memory and held it up with a bright proud smile

Jay: Something like that⬇️⬇️

"what is it?" He held in his laugh while Subaru smiled at you silently observing the situation

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"what is it?" He held in his laugh while Subaru smiled at you silently observing the situation. You groaned as your face flushed in slight embarrassment "that smile—stop laughing it was the only one I dad said it's suits me" you clenched your fist about to punch them both but held back for the sake of not wasting your time "it suits you very much" You cleared your throat stepping closer "well I'm repaying you for your help a few weeks ago... btw who is this man I thought that was your house" your sharp gaze coldly narrowed at Subaru, such scary eyes for a child but were you?
"... he is Subaru okiya he lives here for his own personal reasons. My parents let him rent the house...but why do you ask?" You stared for a few more seconds before breaking eye contact and looked at Conan shrugging "ohh~nothing much...he looks very familiar to me but that's not the point. This thing...I'd be killed if they found out I'm the one who took it" They both looked in shock. Subaru still kept his neural expression but it was obvious he was taken aback "how did she figure it out that it was me??. how about you come inside i made some fresh orange juice" You nodded and walked in and sat on the sofa facing both Conan and subaru "are you saying you got this from the organizations, but how?!"

"you remember why I didn't answer your call a few days ago" You look at Conan who is confused and concerned from how calm you are "well I was in the middle of transferring their plan to my flash memory just after I finished you called which left my phone to ring in the middle of my escape plan alerting some members but unfortunately nothing happened" lost in words he started blankly at you astound
"Unfortunately?...Not fortunately...
w-wait I'm a bit confused how do you know where they were and did you just say you went there alone? and managed to complete your mission successfully"

"You should be worried that it's successful~" you let out a smug smile leaning back on the arm rest "well I just hacked into their computer then found the construction drawings of the building and memorized it...all I had to do is to find the room with the computer...don't get to excited that's not the HQ" he frowned clicking his tongue in defeat "you make it sound so simple" He face palms himself at how crazy you were to do this alone. As you watched their movements studying them quietly "so...what's inside it?" Subaru questioned with a slight grin
"a plan to eliminate someone but what concerns me more is the others who are attached to that person" you rubbed your brows to ward off the headache groaning in annoyance mixed with frustration "well who is it?" They both looked at you as soon as you opened your mouth Subaru slightly opened his eyes to reveal their colour, those sharp beautifully scary eyes that sends shiver down your spine there's no mistaken, he is shuichi akai "it's definitely him. That person is no other than me" You looked at them smiling whilst pointing at yourself. You're the target "w-what are you saying? they are aiming to kill you! why?" you laughed waving your hand at them to calm them down

"it's actually about my father they want to see him go down by killing his only daughter Isn't that amusing?...first the wife now the daughter~" a pinched expression spread across your face trying not to exaggerate "damn it they won't stop hunting until everyone is dead. I see so everyone you are related to discluding your father will die" You nodded confirming their assumptions "wait but why is your father targeted? what did he do to get you into this mess" your expression slightly softened as you smiled completely forgetting to mention it to Conan "oh? I thought I told you. My father is the FBI director" You leaned forward winking

"ughh! my head hurts just thinking about it.just stop talking and let's go see what the flash memory contains" Conan aggressively ruffled through his hair in frustration "listen here, Conan...I gave you this because I'm not the only one they are after but your uncle mori has been famous recently they think of him as a restraint to their future know what that means" Conan colour flushed in panic "so the location is the new amusement park? it just so happens we bought tickets to go there" you let out a hum tilting your head
"I love amusement parks so I also booked a ticket for me and my dad" Subaru frowned gazing at you "just what is she thinking about playing with her life like that. You know that's dangerous right you should not go" Subaru crossed his arms leaning back with a slight frown
" handsome mister if I don't go I won't know where the next attack will be so, I gotta be prepared for what comes In my way rather then getting a surprise gift" you leaned closer squinting your eyes with a smug expression "you know I don't like surprises"

"...cheeky. I see..." he muffled in a laugh looking away  "well, I see you already have plan.Would you care and tell us?" You nodded and proceeded In telling what's the plan  "okay I need to leave now it's really dark outside" you stood up stretching your arms and letting out a heavy sigh "well why don't you stay for dinner" You declined because you have a small meetings it's Tetsuo "Then how about I take you back home?" He was just like a chewing gum stuck to your shoes.
"tch so stubborn. Ok will Conan be tagging along?" You looked at Conan with pleading eyes but he avoided your eyes not wanting to meddle in "actually... I'll be staying here to examine the info in detail so can I borrow it for a while?" You pouted staring holes into his back "sure use it as much as you like" You followed Subaru to the car "please tell me your location"

"I think you already know where my fathers' place is...shuichi" you crossed your arms getting in the act and buckling in your seatbelt "Does it hurt for her to just play along. How did you know I am the same person y/n?" You sarcastically shrugged  "I don't know what logic you have can I not know what my colleague looks like? And the real question is how do you remember me!"


"so the book is saying that I can remind people if I want to and they will remember me and anyone who is a related (family) will always remember me" you flipped aimlessly through the book but nothing related about how shuichi still remembers you You finally snapped back to reality glancing at shuichi "I don't know how as soon as I helped you up when I looked at your eyes I knew you were y/n" You blushed face palming yourself mumbling
"what kind of cheesy crap am I hearing. and what's more surprising that it's coming out of his mouth" he took a quick glance at you then back at the road smirking "your expression is written all over your face...that expression for a mere "colleague" you say?" He chuckled teasing you  "Just what is he implying! thank you for giving me a ride home shui—Subaru see you later bye" He waved his hand back at you while you entered trough the main entrance


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