Bad Memories pt.3

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"Just please explain what you're saying I'm not catching onto anything" he begged not leaving you be "it means after their returning upstairs the same time we'll be Sneaking inside from another route, a secret one" You both entered the kitchen and walked toward the hallway your body felt cold from remembering what happened "I'm not sure if I can count this as muscle memory... hahh!!...How nostalgic" You sneered sarcastically while unlocking the closet lock then pulled him in after shutting the closet
"okay we will hear their footstep then proceed the second quarter of plan A"

"so the last two quarters of plan A is retrieving the item" You nodded while waiting it didn't take long till you heard the servants footsteps "now it's where the hard part starts" You turn around then pulled a small part at the edge of the closet wall which revealed a small door
"I have a bunch of questions but I'll save them for when we make it out" you ignored him meddling with the spot
"just follow me silently I'll explain while walking" You walked through the door to reveal an empty room with a basement door on the floor "that's the secret entrance I was talking about we have to hurry before that man enters" You both tried opening the basement door but it's too heavy for a child's body and two won't Make much of a difference "ok y/n stop and clear the way" He pulled the belt around his waist then placed it on the basement door and the other attached to some old hook on the wall then pressed a button which pulled the door upwards while you two got inside "seems like your almost completely useful no... leaving aside that bad habit of yours" he side eyed you sarcastically laughing "I'll take it as a compliment"

"it is, by the way we have to hurry that thing on the wall won't last long" You two sneakily ran towards a door which had your family crest on it you pulled out the ring in your pocket then placed it on the small hole in the middle which unlocked the door trying to quickly wrap up the mission "it's quite surprising how you have all keys to unlock doors but how do you have this family's ring isn't it something precious?"

"indeed it's precious to the point of that mad man getting on rampage thinking it got lost" you rubbed the key with a wicked smile "let's just get what you need this place doesn't seem safe at all" you chuckled glancing at him
"you just realized? that well let's proceed with the plan" You entered the room which looked like a study you took pictures for important thing and around the room with some papers
"this looks like a study room that has been abandoned for a long time" he swiped his fingers on one of the shelves as dust flew in the air "quite similar but it's not abandoned it's just too precious to the point only family members are allowed inside actually to be specific the holder of the ring is the only on allowed inside once a year" You started searching for a book which had information about your family and about your genetically inherited curse
"help me search for a black book with gold lining that has the family crest on it, please" He nodded while you both searched for a while until Conan finally found it. It was inside on of the desk drawer

"y/n come here for a second i think this is the book your trying to find" You ran towards him then smiled at him
"I thought it would be in a much harder place. indeed it is now the last quarter of plan A starts—" You both stopped realizing you met the butler right in front of the door he was about to start the alarm until Conan shot him with his tranquilizer watch you locked the room and took the ring then both Conan and you pulled him inside the empty room you set him on the side while Conan retrieved his belt which let the trap door to slam shut
"let's hurry and lock the door cabinet while getting out" you both sneaked from the kitchen since it's full of servants but managed to reach the back yard using the back door which is near the kitchen

Finally you both walked outside just when you arrived a familiar figure walked right beside you "it's been a while my lovely daughter didn't expect you to shrink rather then grow up" You quickly handed Conan the ring and the book and gestured him to continue entering the hole
"Daughter...?!! She's his daughter! Well I have no choice but to do as she requested. sh*t! I'll call for help don't you dare die
y/n" he rushed out through the hole leaving you alone with your father
"how did he recognize me, am I missing something here!!. don't call me your daughter you asshole you don't deserve to be my father...Shinju masaki" you growled clenching your teeth in disdain. You never viewed him as your father and will never see him as one "come on y/n let bygones be bygones so  please hand over the ring to papa" he warmly smiled waiting for you extending his arms for a hug as he crouched on the same level as you
"how shameless of you try looking at yourself for once, old man" You got in a fighting stance since he started approaching you slowly

"what are you doing guess I'll need to teach you a lesson...hahhh!!...I feel sorry to my daughter has turned crazy" He stopped while smirking at you.
You suddenly clenched your clothes bending down like your in pain with your head hanging low "w-what has gotten into you?!" He got startled by your sudden change you where mumbling things
"you know I can't hear you y/n" you leaned back up smiling "ohh...! The hurts my pride to be called crazy from a crazy maniac" You started snickering at him with a big grin on your face, your smiled finally drops as you gazed at him with your sharp cold-blooded gaze " aren't wrong Like father like daughter...both crazy"

"y-you crazy b*tch try to move one bit and I'll blow your brain out " He pulled out a fancy pistol which startled you with fear you aren't afraid of guns you're afraid of the man holding the weapon
"shit Conan should be far away by now and he knows where to go I should think of a plan about this mess" your eyes shot back and forth trying to think of something  "now y/n hand over the ring and I will let you go" you raised a brow completely not trusting him
"Hah! on what state of mind are you? are you an idiot why should I trust a person who has tortured me for years my body might heal but there are scars that last forever"

"very well since you aren't willing to cooperate with me I'll take it by force but i don't want this to end fast let's fight evenly" He threw the weapon near him on the grass While you looked at him as if he's out of his mind "you call that fair don't make me laugh" He ran toward you while swinging his legs at you, you blocked it but flew to the wall and had your back slammed on it
"shit I forgot I'm in a child's body. Nice one old man you still got some moves with that old rusty bod—ugh!!!" He started strangling you after slamming you to the wall again "Where is the the ring, my daughter look so lovely just like your mother" he really did look crazy, not just crazy but a complete psycho
"ugh-you could— have seen her if you cough!! didn't kill her"

"SHUT UP—!!" He threw you on the grass your body felt heavy as you coughed out blood. So weak that you already got bad internal injuries to the point of coughing out blood "my god! your going to give me spinal problems" you complained trying to get on your feet. He grabbed the gun while aiming at you breathing heavily
"I didn't want to end you this way but you deserve it for giving me nightmares I'll be sending you to your mother" Just when he pulled the trigger you tried dodging it which made it shoot your arm instead
"I think you've got an awful condition of stupidity" you squeezed your arm to apply pressure on the wound moving sluggishly. he cackled in a creepy way as you tried catching your breath "Your struggling like a poor little amusing~" he grinned placing his finger on the trigger once again "shit I'm sorry Tetsuo I might Break my promise. Oh my I think your eyesight is weakening from old think the almighty shinju masaki would miss a shot to a kid, how embarrassing~" you still have enough energy to provoke him. your chest felt heavy making you stagger unable to keep your footing

He clenched his teeth in anger while you were trying to gain some balance to stand and not faint just when he was about to shoot the gun flew from his arm. you knew exactly what you were looking at when you turned around. You looked up a building with something glowing because of the reflection which was obviously a lens to a sniper's gun and one which you recognize. But where was the sniper? He must've already rushed to change his location or so you thought   "akai shuichi!. what...what are you doing here— thud!!" you fell to the ground unconscious as he he hurried to carry you then jumped over the high wall since you were in bad shape


A Never ending curse   akaiXreaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant