Why Doesn't Anyone Believe Me?!- Part 2

Start from the beginning

Hu smacked him on the mouth. "SHUT THE HELL UP! I told you! They hate you! So don't waste your time! They don't care about you anymore, you know! They told me! You drew the line when you trashed hyungs guitar, they don't care what happens to you!" He kicked Jungkook in the chest.

Jungkook started to sob uncontrollably. "You're l...lying! That's n..not true!" Was it?

"I bet it was you! Stuff only started to happen after YOU showed up! Maybe this is all YOUR fault!" Jungkook screamed. Before Hu was about to smack him again, the two of them heard footsteps coming. Hu picked Jungkook up and threw him back on his bed and backed away. Jin and Namjoon threw the door open.

"What the HELL is all the screaming in here?!" Namjoon yelled. He was caught off guard by seeing Jungkook look so upset. "Jungkook? What happened?" he asked while also eyeing Hu. What the hell did he say to make him so upset?

"Like you don't know!! GET OUT! EVERYBODY JUST GET OUT!" Jungkook screamed through his tears. Namjoon ignored that request and started walking towards his maknae, but he screamed louder, " I SAID GET THE HELL OUT! STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

"Okay okay, jeez!" Namjoon backed up and the three left Jungkook alone in his room. He buried his face back into his pillow. His tears could have filled an ocean.

"Hu what the fuck did you say to him?" Namjoon asked.

"I told you I was just teaching him a lesson."

Jin spoke up. "But what did you say to him?" Why was he SO upset? It's not like Jungkook hadn't been at least YELLED at before.

"Just that you guys are mad and he needs to act right. Don't know why he got so upset. He tried saying it was my fault! He thinks I'm the one stealing and breaking stuff! Can you believe him?!" Hu yelled.

"Seriously?! What is wrong with him lately?!" Jin said as they made their way to the kitchen where the rest had gathered to eat the lunch they had previously made.

"He learn his lesson?" Yoongi asked innocently. He was under the impression Hu just gave him a stern talking to.

" I guess we'll see," Hu shrugged.

"Do you think he's hungry? He hasn't eaten, " Taehyung asked. He felt really bad. He knew Jungkook was acting strange and doing things he shouldn't have been doing, but part of him wasn't comfortable seeing him getting treated so badly for it either. If anything he was more concerned about his best friends mental health rather than being mad at him.

"He's not hungry," Hu replied, " I asked him. He said he wasn't," he lied.

"Oh, okay..." Taehyung pouted. He wasn't comfortable knowing his maknae hadn't eaten.

The members felt bad about the entire situation but tried to put it out of their minds for a bit. They hung out and had a lot of laughs while they ate and sat in the living room. Hu was having a blast hanging out with the members and he could tell they were generally enjoying his company as well.

Jungkook could hear their laughter coming from downstairs. His heart broke into a million pieces. He didn't understand at all. He loved his hyungs so much, he'd never steal or break things. He couldn't understand why they didn't believe him. He couldn't understand why Yoongi would ask Hu to beat him up, and his hyungs all agreed to it? They must really hate me...

He was also trying to figure out how the hell Jimin's stuff ended up in his room, and how a smashed guitar ended up at the end of his bed. He knew himself enough to know there was no way he was crazy. He knew it wasn't him. He also knew all his members, he knew it wasn't one of them. It has to be Hu! But none of them would ever believe that!! He felt so defeated as he lay there with his face in his pillow. He was also really hungry but knew his hyungs always called him to come eat, which they hadn't done all day. They don't care about me anymore.. He curled up into a ball clutching his growling stomach and cried himself to sleep.

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